A Degree Worth Receiving

May 13, 2024 by  
Filed under Personal Growth

A few years ago my family had a big discussion about the importance of college degrees versus life experience.  A friend of ours had lost his job and because he didn't have a college degree, was being passed up for a lot of jobs he was more than qualified for.  I argued that even though I have a college degree I felt that this man's experience should put him on an even plane with me, and in some instances beyond me.  It was interesting.  Those in the discussion who had the college degrees felt as I did, but those who didn't have degrees felt that the degree should give me a "leg-up.”  I thought about that discussion for some time before I realized where the disparity came from.  Those of us who have learned a lot have learned that the more we learn the more we know what we don't know.  In other words, our knowledge shows us how much we have yet to learn.

It is said, knowledge isn't free.  Whether you’ve paid for a college degree, a certification, or paid for your knowledge with experience, you know it cost you dearly.  When compared, however, to the worth of God's instruction and knowledge, it is worthless.  You can't make your house or car payment with a God degree, but you can make a payment on peace of mind, freedom from worry, and a life filled with a wealth of real gems.  Nothing you or I desire compares to what we can have in studying the Living Word of God.

PRAYER: Praise God for the wisdom and knowledge He shares with me through His Word.  Help me see my time in Your Word as an opportunity to dig for gold and receive Your degree in godly living—a degree worth more than anything I can ever pay for.

“Receive my instruction rather than silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold.  For wisdom is better than rubies, and desirable things cannot be compared to her”, Proverbs 8:10-11 NET.

Today’s devotion is by Cheri Cowell, Asbury Theological Seminary student, known as author and speaker on the deep questions of faith.  Her first book Direction: Discernment for the Decisions of Your Life (Beacon Hill) is being called a biblically-sound, no nonsense approach to making God-centered life choices.  For comments or to inquire about her speaking schedule, visit www.DirectionAndDiscernment.com/.

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