Eat Free

April 5, 2024 by  
Filed under Health and Fitness

By Angelia Mitchell 

If you have ever struggled with weight or with a health issue like high cholesterol or diabetes, you have most likely been on a diet.  My experience is that, overall, diets don’t work, especially the long-term diet.  During your diet you feel confined and restricted.  You feel as if there is no hope for appetite satisfaction, ever again.  Failure after failure gives you the feeling that losing weight is impossible.  Take heart, my friends, there is a solution. 

Change your mind!  Yes, it’s a mind set–a way of thinking.  Victory takes a renewing of your mind.  “Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had.”  (Philippians 2:5 NLT)  So, what kind of attitude did Christ have?  In Mark 9:23 (NLT) Jesus shows us his attitude of faith when he says, “Anything is possible if a person believes.”  Through faith in our Father God who created us, loves us, and wants the best for us, we can eat in a healthy way.  We can better ourselves for length of days to fulfill his work on the earth.

So stop dieting, and start changing your eating habits and your lifestyle.  Go from Fries to Fruit, Cola to Cranberry Juice, and Pastries to Pineapples.  Change the way you think about food and dieting and decide that you have choices to make, and you’re going to make healthy ones.  By changing your attitude, you will gain the feeling of freedom in your everyday life.  Your choices will propel your weight loss or help you to get on track.

Another tip for successful living is that if you have a scale and you get on it from time to time only to find yourself dejected, depressed and upset, and then throw it out!  Yes, I said get rid of it, hide it in the closet, whatever it takes to keep you off of it for a while.  If it only serves to discourage, then it should not be allowed.  It’s disappointing to feel like you have lost a few pounds and step on the scale only to find your weight didn’t change or you gained a few pounds.  This is the time when most people give up.  But don’t be like most people.  Don’t give up!  You are not alone and you can better yourself.  “For nothing is impossible with God.”  (Luke1:37 NLT). 

So be free to eat right…without being enchained by your mind or your scale.

Angelia Mitchell is a servant, wife, mother, daughter, and a friend.  Led by the spirit, been through the fire and the rain to show His goodness in everything.  © 2009

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