Finding the Truth

January 18, 2024 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

Jennifer Kearson 

As stated in the Bible, Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” Recently, I overheard a conversation my minister was saying about a young man who had gone off to college to find his path. This young man decided to take a religious course. I wasn’t sure exactly what particular course this was, but I assumed it was based on world religions. Regardless, the professor insisted Jesus was not the way to eternal life. Basically, the professor said Jesus was a joke or some faker! If Jesus is so great, then how come our life is so messed up? Why do we not get what we want, when we want it?

Also, another friend of mine knows this guy who is anti-Jesus because he doesn’t see the point. I would say he definitely doesn’t see the future. Why is the world still corrupt? Actually, with people like this, our world will remain corrupt. People often ask where is the answer, or why is our world so corrupt?

The answer can be found all over the Bible. People like the professor and the other guy haven’t found the answer, for their soul if living in darkness. When your soul is without the light (Jesus), you will be separated from the truth and any fruits of the spirit. Jesus is all over the Bible and he did and still does exist.  He is the only one who died for our sins. He is the only one who has see God. Without him, we do not have eternal life!

Luckily, for the student who is creating a great path for his future, his dad happens to be an outstanding minister. Any doubts the professor tries to implant on his heart, his dad can chase them away while telling the truth with proof. What proof did the professor use? No proof that would make sense. Hopefully, for the other students in the class, they will continue to dig for the truth by reading the Bible, praying to God and talking while living a good life with Christians.

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