Afraid of the Dark

November 13, 2023 by  
Filed under Stories

By Ronnie Wyatt 

As I look back on my life, I must admit that I have learned some very important things that have altered the way that I think and feel.

For example:

1) There is always a lot to be thankful for, if you take the time to look. For example, I'm sitting here thinking how nice it is that hair turning gray doesn’t hurt.
2) I’ve learned that I sometimes struggle with math. IE. How does a 5 oz. candy bar cause me to gain five pounds?
3) I’ve learned that real “Car Sickness” is the feeling you get every time you have to make a payment.
4) I come to realize that all families are like fudge; mostly sweet, with a few nuts.
5) The more I look in the mirror, I realize time may be a great healer, but it's also a lousy beautician.
6) I was going to make a promise to myself that I would only eat all natural health foods, but honestly, I feel like I need all the preservatives I can get!
Which brings me to one of the greatest lessons that I have learned. This lesson was taught to me by one of my daughters. She has recently been going through a phase where she is afraid of the dark. I’m not talking about a pouting fear, I mean a screaming at the top of her lungs, tears flowing, body shaking fear. She has never been afraid of the dark before.

In an attempt to ease her fear I tried the natural approach. I explained to her that there was nothing to be afraid of. I told her that there was nothing in her room when it was dark that wasn’t there in the light. Yet, her fear seemed to grow. Every attempt at trying to reason her fears away were met with screams of horror. Finally, I did what I probably should have done in the first place, I laid down beside her and held her in my arms. Within minutes she was sound asleep. As I lay beside her, I didn’t promise her strength and protection, but I just simply held her and whispered, “I love you.”

There is a verse in the bible that has always kind of confused me. 1 John 4:18  says “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.” My confusion has been thinking that the antidote for fear is: strength, courage, and bravery. Yet, according to God’s word the antidote for fear is love. My daughter taught me that resting in loving arms and hearing a loving voice does have a way of melting fear away.

Honestly, what are you afraid of today? Is there a trial or struggle going on in your life that is filling you with worry and fear? The antidote is very simple. The bible teaches us that when we humble ourselves and come to Jesus Christ and accept him as our Lord and Savior, we are adopted into the family of God. Being in the family of God has special privileges. Romans 8:15 says, “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father.” Whenever you are afraid, you can cry out to your heavenly Father and He will come and put His arms around you and whisper, “I love you” and then your fears will melt away. Have you entered into the family of God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Why live a life of fear when you don’t have to? If you’ve already done that, then your daddy is waiting.  
Verse To Meditate On:
“Say to those with fearful hearts, ’Be strong, do not fear; your God will come…”     Isaiah 35:4

Ronnie Wyatt is an Evangelist, Author, Christian Comedian, Conference Speaker and the Executive Director of Crosseyed Ministries –


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