The Day After Christmas
By Ronnie Wyatt
Some years ago, I heard that a young girl named Suzy stood before her Aunts and Uncles. With big grins they asked that often asked question which is heard the day after Christmas. “Did you get everything you wanted for Christmas?”
Suzy smiled and said, “Nope.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” frowned one aunt. “Do you think mom and dad forgot?”
“Nope,” Suzy answered.
“Oh, maybe finances were tough, huh” questioned another.
“Nope,” Suzy again replied.
“Well, why do you think you didn’t get everything that you wanted,” asked a concerned uncle.
“Because it wasn’t my birthday,” smiled the wise Suzy.
Shortly after hearing that I wrote this little poem using a familiar rhyme scheme:
T’was the day after Christmas and all through the house.
Every creature was exhausted including the mouse.
The stockings were flung to the floor without care.
In fact the whole house looked like a tornado had been there.
Toys lying on the steps, an accident sure to be.
The smell of pine needles that had already fallen from the tree.
Mom in her sweat pants praying that no one would “pop by.”
Dad on the couch with chocolate icing still in his eye.
One child sitting and pouting because the batteries were not included.
And another child disappointed because a favorite gift was excluded.
All while out in the front yard stands an old Nativity Scene.
One wise man blown over and one shepherd missing.
And in the little manger lies the lonely Child Christ.
Another year gone by without remembering His sacrifice.
How He came from Heaven, born into this sinful world.
To die on a cross for all the lost boys and girls.
Yet, as usual this time of year, when we are to celebrate His birth.
All we can remember is how much OUR Christmas was worth.
Did we get all that we wanted? Did everything go our way?
When in truth it doesn’t matter. After all, it’s not our birthday.
So before we get too critical or upset over the season.
Remember that it was the birth of Jesus that gives us a reason.
To have hope and joy and love in our life.
So Merry CHRISTmas to all and to all a good night!
Verse For The Week:
“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord” Luke 2:10-11
Ronnie Wyatt is an Evangelist, Author, Christian Comedian, Conference Speaker and the Executive Director of Crosseyed Ministries –