Wake-Up Call
October 13, 2023 by admin
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By Lisa Buffaloe
My first years as a stay-at-home mom left me drained and exhausted. When our son, Scott finally started sleeping through the night, he rose before dawn, wide-eyed and eager for the day. I begged God, “Please make him stay asleep longer.” Poor little guy did not have a sweet mommy when he bounded on my bed in the mornings.
Getting tired of my own pity-parties, I knew I desperately needed quiet moments before the day began. Finally God broke through my stubborn streak reminding me I could get up earlier. Determined to get a jump on our boundless energy-filled son, I moved the coffee pot to the bathroom and rose at 5:30 am.
Java in hand and Bible open, I had plenty of time to spend with God before Scott charged through the door. Focusing on God first thing, helped my attitude, feelings, and perspective for the day change for the better. I’m sure Scott was amazed at how much nicer his mom had become.
Scott never waned in his excitement, even with a cranky mom. No wonder Jesus tells us … “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3 NIV). Wouldn’t it be fun to be like children and greet the day with eagerness and anticipation? God made each of us—He knows our every need, want, and desire.
The adult in me rebels, remembering the million-and-one things that I “need” to do and should take into consideration by worrying. Ah, but the child nudges me. Jesus said not to worry about tomorrow, or worry about what I’ll eat or drink, or even what I’ll wear. He has me covered in His love.
Jesus tells us to “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33 NIV). When I keep my focus on God and seek the things that will please Him, my life honestly is great. I don’t have to worry because God will take care of my every need.
Goodness, if I approached life like a child, my feet would hit the floor and I’d race to explore my new day. No time for pity-parties or sleeping away mornings, I’ve got to wake-up and enjoy God and life!