Trapped like a Rat

August 16, 2023 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By Lisa Buffaloe  
Dressed in footed pajamas, our toddler son held the side of his crib and stared longingly over the rail. He chewed and adjusted the pacifier perched on his lips, hung his head in defeat, and whispered his first full sentence. “Trapped like a rat.”
When our son was young, he had absolutely no concern for safety and would have loved to run and play. Much to his chagrin, we kept him in his crib for his protection.

I’ve heard people say they didn’t want to become Christians. They didn’t want to be “trapped like a rat” in the rules and regulations. For them, following God equals loss of freedom to have fun and enjoy life.

However, God’s word tells us, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” But how does this make sense? God asks us to accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior and to be in subjection to God’s authority. Why should I be in subjection to anyone? I want freedom!

I guess we could weigh the pros and cons on a scale. Who is God? He is the maker, designer, creator of the universe. Why should I trust Him? His character traits are Holy, unfailing love, mercy, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and a myriad of other perfect qualities.

God’s parameters on our life are not punishment, but for protection. Let’s take the Ten Commandments as an example.
Number one … Have no other Gods.
Number two… No idols.
Number three… Don’t misuse God’s name.
Number four… Keep the Sabbath Holy (Rest)
Number five… Honor your father and mother
Number six…  Don’t murder
Number seven… No adultery
Number eight…  Don’t steal
Number nine… Don’t lie or give false testimony
Number ten… Don’t covet what someone else has

If everyone on this planet honestly and truly lived by the Ten Commandments, the earthly freedom would be amazing. We wouldn’t have to worry about being lied to, murdered, or having anything stolen, the Sabbath would truly be a day of rest and relaxation, and every facet of our life would be better.

To top off the good news, God knows we aren’t perfect, so He put in motion a perfect plan. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, sacrificed His life for us so that through His grace we can stand before a Holy God.

When God asks us to accept His Son as our Savior, God springs the trap, He offers hope and a future, freedom from sin and death, freedom to live under God’s grace, freedom in His unfailing love, and freedom to experience eternal life.

“So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son. He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding” (Ephesians 1:6-8 NLT).
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