Noon-Day Demon

June 12, 2023 by  
Filed under Faith, Find Your Calling

By Dan Miller

Medieval writers used this term – “Noon-Day Demon.”  They were referring to that season in life when we lose our enthusiasm, when we begin to question our existence and direction.  We may call it a mid-life crisis today but the meaning is the same.  We hear about switching from success to significance, or finding our purpose, calling or mission.

Whatever your terminology, see this as a positive opportunity, not as a crisis.  Yes, it is healthy to take a fresh look at where we are, where we want to go and how we are going to get there.  You may not trust the career decisions that were made by a 20 yr. old.  Look today at your unique (1) Skills and Abilities, (2) Personality Traits, and (3) Values, Dreams and Passions.  What have these prepared you for?  Zig Ziglar says we should not have an “alarm clock” but an “opportunity clock.”  See the inevitable transitions in your own life not as crises, but as opportunities to move forward with more focus and confidence.

Take the sting out of the Noon-Day Demon.  There is a natural progression from asking “how can I meet my needs?” to “how can I make a difference?”  Welcome the transition and you will see your enthusiasm, confidence, and boldness soar.

About the Author:

Dan Miller considers himself a “social entrepreneur.”  As such he looks for innovative ways to reshape negative systems.  Our concept of “work” is a striking example of a negative system.  Our culture allows us to view work as a necessary evil or even a curse from God.  Clichés like “Thank God it’s Friday” and our eagerness for retirement convey our distaste for our daily work.  In his best-selling book, 48 Days to the Work You Love, Dan shows how work can be a meaningful, fulfilling part of an authentic life.
As co-host of 48 Days to the Work You Love online radio show, Dan shares his process for developing a focused, balanced and truly successful life.  Dan’s principles have been clarified in his books, 48 Days To The Work You Love, The Rudder of the Day, 48 Days To Creative Income and the upcoming No More Mondays.


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