Oh God, Help Me!

January 19, 2023 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Charlotte Riegel –

I left in plenty of time for the meeting, allowing for possible challenging road conditions on this cold, yet sunny winter day. The wind had picked up causing some drifting. It became increasingly difficult to see the center line or the edge of the road where drifts had filled in the ditches making the division between road and ditch impossible to determine.

“God bless the person who invented the life-saving rumble strips for the center of the road,” I muttered while driving on them whenever there was no oncoming traffic. I passed one vehicle being assisted out of the ditch. Mental note – ‘The roads are icy.’

Slowing speed, I put on the flashers to caution vehicles behind me. After turning onto a more prominent and better maintained highway I soon began sliding around. The road was covered in ice and I was severely challenged to keep control of my vehicle. When my truck began a fancy dance all over the road I realized I had lost control. A quick glance up the hill ahead indicated no traffic. Meanwhile I fought a losing battle on the ice. Spinning around and heading toward the opposite ditch I said, “Oh God, help me.” It was not a panic-filled shriek but rather a simple resigning of my fate to God.

The vehicle came to a stop with one tire resting in the snow just off the road. Breathing a sigh of relief and regaining composure, I decided to abandon my planned trip to town and head back home since that’s the way the truck was now facing. ‘Rocking’ the vehicle was out of the question as it would send me into the snow packed ditch. I was facing downhill with gravity and ice teasing my ability to get the vehicle onto the road. Each little attempt at backing up eventually got me fully onto the road and I carefully headed home.

Once safely in my driveway, I allowed my body to take over and ‘crash’. I did not cry, but felt very shaky and exhausted for nearly an hour, all the while pondering if God sent an angel to stop my vehicle from going fully into the ditch and then to help push me back onto the road.

‘Oh God, help me.’ Such an easy, simple phrase. No hype, no hysteria, just a calm plea for help.

Prayer: Thank you, God, for showing me anew how easy it is to ask You for help. May I never forget. May I also be diligent to give you praise and thanks for help bestowed. Amen.

“Every time I’m in trouble I call on You, confident that You’ll answer” (Psalm 86:7 MSG).

About Charlotte Riegel

Charlotte Riegel is a freelance writer recently moved from a large metropolitan city to a wee rural community in Western Canada. Some call it retirement. She calls it 're-tire' ment as she explores new avenues of written and visual expression while assisting her husband in establishing a business in the tourist industry.
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