The Holiday Letter

November 18, 2022 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Judy Davis –

I enjoy sending Christmas cards each year to family and friends. In each card I place a carefully written letter of love. This newsletter lets them know what all we did in the year.

Starting out I wish everyone a Merry Christmas. This year I mentioned how my husband and I both turned 70 on our birthdays and how we seemed to have celebrated all year.
My daughter and I went to New York City for a few days and had a great time shopping at Macys, eating delicious food, riding the subway, and seeing the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center and the Memorial at ground zero.

My husband and I went to Disney World in November with our son and his family (our three youngest grandsons). What a wonderful time to visit as the weather was beautiful and all the bright Christmas decorations were in every park. We also celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary during the year.

Before I finished the letter the doctor had found a spot on my husband’s lung and he had to have a needle biopsy. He had a set back as his lung collapsed and he had to stay in the hospital for a week. A few days after the biopsy, the doctor walked into his room grinning and said “Looks like you have a guardian angel sitting on your shoulder. Your biopsy came back and shows no cancer.” We both were so happy to hear this good news. It was an infection and being treated with antibiotics. I added this good report to my letter.

It’s always nice to hear from our family and friends especially during the holidays. As I closed I shared that we were praying the New Year is a year of even greater things! At the bottom of my stationery I noticed the following words were written in bold “Good news of great joy for all people” with a tiny picture of a manger with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus.

PRAYER: Father, we humble ourselves under your mighty hand for we have seen a miracle not only in my husband’s life, but the greatest miracle is Jesus Christ, the Son of God who lives in our hearts.

“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people’” (Luke 2:10 NIV).

About Judy Davis

Judy Davis has been writing for publications since 1985, and is the author of nine books including Moments of Reflection and Inspirational thoughts for writers. She and her husband, Colin have been married for 45 years. They are retired and love to travel. You can find out more at
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