2014 Resolutions

November 17, 2022 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Carin LeRoy –

I’m not good at New Year’s resolutions. Taking off those extra pounds, exercising five times each week, or getting up at 5:30 a.m. each day are resolutions that will get lost in my own excuses. Instead, I’ve learned that self-discipline and moderation are spiritual goals that need adjustments in my own life.

When we consider resolutions, let’s think about some spiritual goals for 2014. I’m sure God is not as worried about the few extra pounds we might carry as He is about our desire for more self-discipline in our lives. Where does our heart lie in our relationship with Him? It is easy to let our heart drift from the goals and desires that God may have for us. The world and its pleasures can creep in and take precedence unless we are diligent to examine ourselves spiritually.

What do we cling to in life, or what has a hold on us? Is it comfort, financial stability or prestige? Do we long for pleasure and entertainment? Do we focus on having the latest gadget or clothing style? What desires do we have that are without worth in view of eternity? Many goals seem good, but can still carry us away from God’s priorities.

The prophet Jonah reminds us that it is easy to lose sight of God’s goals and go our own way. The transparency of his heart is evident as we read his story. His obstinance in running from God and his fear to obey God’s command and go to Nineveh is apparent. We see Jonah’s selfishness and resentment against a people God wanted to reach. His walking away from God’s direct command is shocking. With a change of heart he declared, “Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them” (Jonah 2:8 NIV).
Anything that takes precedence over God is an idol, and we all have them. As David did, let us pray to God, “Examine me, and probe my thoughts! Test me, and know my concerns! See if there is any idolatrous tendency in me, and lead me in the reliable ancient path” (Psalm 139: 23-24 NET). Let’s ponder our New Year’s resolutions in view of a God who passionately loves us and desires our love and obedience in return.
PRAYER: Thank you for your love and faithfulness and for another year to serve You. Help me, Lord, to see where You desire change in my life. Show me what eternal values to invest in this year, and help me to evaluate where I should place my priorities.

“But carefully obey the commands and instructions Moses the Lord’s servant gave you. Love the Lord your God, follow all his instructions, obey his commands, be loyal to him, and serve him with all your heart and being” (Joshua 22:5 NET).

About Carin LeRoy

Today's devotional is by Carin LeRoy, wife to Dale and mother of three grown children and one almost-grown teenager. She has been a missionary with Pioneers since 1982. Her passions are family, missions, piano, and writing to challenge others to live faithful lives for God.
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