Full Circle on the USS Midway

September 4, 2022 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Peter Lundell –

I wanted to become a Navy pilot. Yes, indeed. But my left eye was 20/25—not perfect, so I couldn’t. In the meantime God led my life another way. Yet I always wondered about the Navy pilot thing. What if…? And why did God lead my life in a different direction?

I found out “what if” when I had the privilege of visiting the aircraft carrier USS Midway.

I got to sit in the pilot’s seats of several jet aircraft. My mind sizzled. How will it feel? Here we go! And––Dials, levers, buttons, and lights all around me. Gag, choke, get me outa here. I love the feel of flying, but I couldn’t take the technical onslaught of what I’d have to go through to pilot a jet.

Then on deck I learned about landing these planes, sometimes in the dark, on a midget runway continually rising and falling as much as ten feet, with cables to grab and stop the plane. And every single landing is graded. Graded! And every grade affects a pilot’s career. The pilots argue with the graders and always lose.

I would have either jumped ship or died of stress.

Rarely does a person get to enter the world where he almost went—and then see for himself what it would have been like. I’m thankful I did.

All those years I wondered what might have been. No more. I learned that God knew me better than I knew myself. He knew beyond what I could see. He led me in the way I was born to walk. Even when I dragged my feet.

We all have “what ifs.” God doesn’t explain everything. He lets us wonder. When we find out, we know. When we don’t find out, we can only know by faith.

What are your “what-ifs”?

“Lord, You know me better than I know myself. Forgive me and correct me in the moments I disagree. Teach me patience to see what You see—and the humility to trust when I cannot see.”

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold” (Job 23:10 NIV).

About Peter Lundell

Peter Lundell, author of Prayer Power and other books, is a writer, pastor, and Bible college teacher. At www.PeterLundell.com you can see his books, subscribe to his inspirational “Connections,” and get free downloads of many articles, parables, and short stories.
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One Response to “Full Circle on the USS Midway”
  1. Dawn Wilson says:

    Peter, my father-in-love is a docent on the USS Midway. It’s an awesome ship.

    But you are so right … God knows best for us. And a lot of those “what ifs” won’t make sense until heaven.

    Thanks for a thought-provoking post.

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