Playing it Safe, Sharing our Faith
July 16, 2022 by Hally Franz
Filed under Daily Devotions
By Hally Franz –
Michael Buble over The Biebs, tennis shoes over 7-inch heels, and book-club evenings over a night at the “clubs”—these preferences surely brand me a 40-something mom. I own it and am proud of it.
The thing I enjoy most about book-club gatherings is discovering differences present in our cohesive little group. While often we agree on a selection, I love times when we see things differently. When two or three of us find a main character whiny and self-absorbed, and others admire her process of self-discovery, it makes for lively conversation. If a few see the plot twist as being known by the book’s hero, but the rest feel he was as equally in the dark as we, that’s fun debate.
It’s a joy to get to know people who don’t always think like we do. I appreciate friends with interests, outlooks and personalities unlike mine. I can learn from them. But, how often do we really step out of our comfort zone?
While I enjoy the perspectives presented in book club, we are all very alike at the core. If we weren’t, we’d never have come together as a body. We all have groups in our lives. There are work-related groups, extended family groups, school-related groups, parent groups, faith groups and others. Perhaps of all those group types as a whole, I most closely align in thought and attitude with my church family. There is great safety among my brothers and sisters in Christ.
So, what expectations does God have for us to connect with those different from us? People of other cultures, near and in faraway places? Folks with opposing political views and faiths?
This is a confusing issue for me. I’d love to have a cut-and-dried rule on this, but, as with many questions we face, I think it boils down to observing an imaginary line.
Christians should take some risks to bring God’s word to people in other places and of other minds. We should be courageous enough to interact with those we might not normally, in the hopes of showing and sharing our faith with them. For me, the line may be the point at which interaction or association would further a sinful activity, or foster an ungodly belief.
More importantly, what would He do? Would Jesus observe any type of line? It’s a difficult question. How do you answer it?
PRAYER: Almighty God, when I’m faced with tough questions of faith, guide me to Your word and the example of Christ Jesus for answers, so that I may further Your kingdom and fulfill my role in it.
“I have proclaimed the good news of righteousness In the great assembly; Indeed, I do not restrain my lips, O LORD, You Yourself know” (Psalm 40:9 NKJV).