Permit Believer

March 1, 2022 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Hally Franz –

As a natural rule-follower, I placed the black and orange cardstock sign in my van’s back window. The license bureau gave it to me, along with the instruction book pertaining to Missouri’s Graduated Driver’s License Program, so I was inclined to use it. In capital letters it says “PERMIT DRIVER,” much to the chagrin of my 15-year-old son.

My state allows individuals at least 15 years of age to drive with a learner’s permit under certain conditions for at least six months, and at least 40 hours of instruction with a parent. The program enables drivers to learn while under the cautious tutelage of an experienced driver before they are full-fledged drivers. Many states likely have similar laws.

Each day when I collect my son at school, he takes the wheel to make any errands and our drive home. I’ve observed the same switch routine in other cars on the lot, as well as the same bold-lettered sign in other car windows.

After my son has adjusted my seat ten different ways, the radio goes off, buckles go on, and hands meet the steering wheel in proper 10-2 position. I gesture slightly to let him know when he veers too far left or right, and he gets back on course. I calmly offer warnings as he approaches challenging driving maneuvers, like oncoming traffic, congested intersections or slick roads. He becomes aware of the hazards and takes caution. I correct him when he’s traveling too fast or seems distracted; he returns his attention to task.

It’s not a bad system, really. Though some may not appreciate this provisional and protective approach to becoming a licensed driver, it definitely has merit.

I wonder how this might work if we could provide the same protection to new Christians? While we know that the salvation of newly baptized believers isn’t provisional, it might be good for those new in their faith to have a safety net as they enter the world anew.

Gentle reminders that faith and a relationship with Christ grow slowly over time may encourage. Focus is required along the journey. Guidance about dealing with sin and faith challenges would likely be of help. Warnings when brothers and sisters seem to stray from their walk may bring them back on track.

There is no “PERMIT BELIEVER” sign, but there is a supportive body of Christians and the guidance of our Savior along for the ride.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, as we walk or drive through life, keep our eyes fixed and focused on You, and help us to be encouragers to others as they proceed in their faith journeys as well.

“And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25 NRSV).

About Hally Franz

Hally Franz writes about her observations on family and faith, parenting and people. She is a former high school guidance counselor, turned stay-at-home mom. Hally and husband Tim will celebrate twenty years of marriage this year, and have two teens. She is a 4-H leader and band mom, serves as her church secretary and as a Bible class teacher. Hally enjoys traveling with her family and participating in monthly book club meetings with her pals.
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