Be Quiet! I Can’t Hear God

February 17, 2022 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Michelle Lim –

If you have ever tried to get a large family in the car and on the way to church, you know that chaos is the norm. Everything from missing shoes to mismatched socks and a solid dose of arguments thrown in is just the routine.

One such morning my family and I were celebrating the close of the garage door as we backed out of the driveway for church, when my daughter asked to listen to some music.
We were more than happy to turn on the worship CD in our van and cruise to church with the sound of joy instead of the chaos we left in our wake.

Just when we thought we were in the clear, my son in the back seat started to complain.

“I don’t want any music. Turn it off.”

Like any good parent I reminded him that we don’t always get our way.

Like any sister, my daughter piped up with, “I want to listen to music.”

I was ready to intervene when my son said something that gave me pause:

“Be quiet! I can’t hear God.”

That day we left the radio off and were quiet on the way to church. My son needed to hear God and as a family we couldn’t stand in the way.

How about you? Do you feel the chaos is so overwhelming sometimes that you can’t hear the voice of God? I know that I do. It is difficult to carve out time in our crazy schedules to just sit and listen to the voice of God.

When we get in the toughest spots in life, we need to hear from God more than ever. We can’t fill the silence with chaos and our own solutions. We just need to be quiet so we can hear from God.

My son taught me something that day that I will never forget. Even in the midst of chaos we can quiet ourselves to listen to God’s voice. It is merely a decision to draw a line between the chaos and ourselves and stop to listen. Only then can we get the answers we need for our day to day lives.

“Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live” (Isaiah 55:3 ESV).

About Michelle Lim

Michelle Lim is a pastor's daughter and mom of four with a heart for teaching. She is a Romantic Suspense writer with three complete manuscripts that have earned contest recognition, as well as the nonfiction author of "Idea Sparking: Brainstorming Conflict In Your Novel" which releases in September. Michelle is the Brainstorm/Huddle Coach at My Book Therapy and serves as Vice President of MN N.I.C.E., a local chapter of American Christian Fiction Writers.
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