Here’s to Mr. C. and Teachers Everywhere
July 6, 2021 by Hally Franz
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
By Hally Franz –
As I sat down to write this devotion, something happened. It’s the thing that seems to happen more frequently these days. Perhaps it is due to aging or simply cramming too many things into this taxed brain of mine. It was a case of brain freeze, and not the kind one gets when drinking a thirst-quenching, but painful, blue slush.
It’s good we are all back in school! It’s time to get those minds working again. Time for routine and order in our lives. Time for a little time apart. As I send my fifth- and ninth-grader to school, I pray that they will have productive and fun years. Then, I thank God for some peace and quiet for my taxed brain.
I recently thought about my sixth-grade teacher. He was a tall, young, black man. In the 1970’s, particularly in our rural community, that was an unlikely description for one of our teachers. The vast majority of elementary teachers were women, and even fewer African-American teachers. I’ll call him “Mr. C.”
Mr. C. was one of my favorites for a few simple reasons. First, he was cool, so no one messed with him. There were no discipline issues in his class. Of course, there weren’t many discipline issues in any classes at that time. (My second and third reasons are better.)
Secondly, Mr. C. made it a habit to announce those who had the best test grades. That practice may not be very politically correct today, but I loved it. I wasn’t always named, but it happened enough to be a motivator.
And thirdly, there was one day a couple of years later when I passed Mr. C. in the hallway. I had grown taller and thinner since sixth grade, and he paid me a nice compliment. That felt good to a chubby girl.
It’s funny what we remember about our teachers. Sometimes, it’s the smallest, seemingly insignificant things that touch the hearts and minds of students. Veteran educators have learned this. They know the importance of their words and examples to their students, and they take it seriously. Mr. C. went to his Heavenly home a few years ago, and it made me sad.
I am happy, dare I say gleeful, to have turned my children over to their new teachers. And, while I pray for their year, I will also pray for the teachers. What a blessing they are.
PRAYER: Almighty Father, please bless our children and their teachers as they begin a new school year. May they learn and grow, teach and give to the best of their abilities, honoring You in all that they do.
“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy” (Philippians 1:3-4 NKJV).
Thank you for such an awesome devotional. I find myself hanging on my 8th grader’s every word, looking for and rejoicing in the positive, meaningful ways her teachers encourage her and her classmates. Kids do still recognize those gifts in teachers and carry that with them all their lives. Blessings to you, my dear Hally!
Thank you for reading, Denise. While sometimes teachers get a “bad wrap”, there are many fine ones in our country. And, they always appreciate an involved, attentive parent!