A Facebook Society
April 11, 2021 by Carin LeRoy
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics
By Carin LeRoy –
Five years ago at the prompting of a friend, I started a Facebook account and began to collect a list of social friends. It’s been a great way to connect with old college buddies, people who live in other states, and stay connected my children who live out of town. I love to see updates and photos of my family and the special events of others. I just added a great friend from my middle/high years whom I haven’t talked with in over 30 years. People that we can never actually visit, we can communicate and keep up with on Facebook.
It can become a great place to “spy,” brag or vent – not necessarily good virtues. We can post so many updates that it looks like some think their realm of friends is interested in their every move (who cares if you just bought a milkshake at Burger King?). It’s easy to see what mood some are in for the day–happy, mad, depressed, struggling, grieving–just by their posts.
Although I have several hundred friends and make comments on other’s posts, the communication is superficial. It’s a word here or a sentence there as I scroll down the home page. Communication is brief and to the point with no in-depth conversation. I see that as the sign of our busy times: Connect, comment and move on.
How dangerous it can be for us if our times with God are as brief and superficial as a Facebook post! Read a verse, pray and move on? How badly we need extended times of prayer and meditation with the Lord to hear His voice and draw on His strength for this life. Does God just get a token prayer like our friends get a one-sentence comment? With Facebook that might be enough, but it’s not enough for communicating with our Creator. Let’s remember to not let the busyness of our lives crowd out time for nourishing our spiritual life and hearing God speak.
PRAYER: Lord, keep me mindful that spending quality time with You needs to be part of my day. Help me to meditate and reflect on Your word and spend time in real communication with You.
“I recall the old days; I meditate on all You have done; I reflect on Your accomplishments. I spread my hands out to You in prayer; my soul thirsts for You in a parched land,” Psalm 143: 5-6 NET).
Carin, this is so timely for me.
I’ve been re-evaluating what takes up my time and I’m extremely disappointed with the results.
We need to be aware how much time gets away from us, stealing from time spent on wiser things.
Good word.
I’m an avid Facebook “participant” ~ partially to keep up with my kids/grandkids, but also to minister to others. Facebook, like anything in life, requires discipline; but it can be fun and helpful when used correctly (just like Twitter and other social media).
But your greater point wasn’t lost on me, Carin. We can’t treat our time with God like we do “Facebook Friends.” We need more depth and intimacy. Thanks for this reminder.