A Trip to the Boonies
October 1, 2020 by Carin LeRoy
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous
By Carin LeRoy –
The other week, I drove with my husband out to a remote location in the “boonies” of Florida to pick up a shipment for work. We grabbed the GPS, punched in the address and waited for the voice to prompt our turns. We arrived with ease.
On the way home, however, was a different story. When leaving, the GPS decided to die, and we were left to fend for ourselves to navigate the way home.
“Do you remember which way we turned? Was it left or right?”
“I’m not sure. I think it was left,” I said.
Twenty minutes later neither of us recognized anything or couldn’t find a road that led south. When we saw a sign pointing to New Smyrna Beach, we knew we were off track and turned around. Finding our way back was more challenging as we tried to remember the roads. After several missed turns, we finally made our way home the old fashioned way – by paying attention to road signs.
Let’s face it. We are a culture dependent on technology. If our GPS breaks, our computer crashes or our phone gets lost, we act like a two-year-old who lost their Mommy.
How would our lives as Christians be different if we were as dependent on God’s Word as we are on technology? How much pain and confusion would we spare ourselves if we became reliant on His direction and obedient to His voice? Instead, have we become distracted from hearing His voice, careless about meeting with Him in prayer and Bible reading, and consequently missed turns in our lives where He meant to bless us.
Let’s ask God to help us to evaluate the changes we need to make. God will never leave us to search alone, and His word is available each day to guide us. Let’s learn what it means to depend on God to lead us in the right direction. With His help, we can get there, with ease.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that Your Word is available for guidance. Help me to learn to depend on it, to read it and look to You for life’s direction.
“Your word is a lamp to walk by and a light to illumine my path” (Psalm 119:105 NET).