What’s Love Got to Do With It?

August 18, 2020 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Marty Norman

Dear Friends, let us love one another for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God because God is love. I John 4:7

A popular song in the 1980’s and ‘90’s was a song by Tina Turner “What’s Love Got to Do with It?” The song calls love a second hand emotion and questions why one would want a heart when it can be broken. It won many awards and great acclaim and was included in a number of Turner’s albums.

Contrast that with scripture which states clearly that love is the answer. God is love. Everyone born of God knows God and that no one can love that does not know God. This is a pretty strong statement. One I’m sure much of the world would not agree with. But further investigation reveals God knew what he was talking about.

Recently a friend who moved from her home shared a profound word with me. Christmas was difficult for her this year – not in her nest of thirty plus years, not surrounded by her Christmas traditions and décor she felt lost and depressed. Discombobulated is how she described it.

But then a miracle happened on Christmas Eve. As she prepared for her first entertaining in her new home, she shopped for groceries and set the table for Christmas lunch. She reported that the heaviness lifted as she prepared for her extended family that was coming for lunch. “That’s what Christmas is all about,” she said. “Love, celebrating the Love that came down from heaven and lived among us; surrounding ourselves with those we love, family and friends. It has nothing to do with a house. It’s all about love.

The truth is there is nothing but love. Love is the answer, and the answer is God. God is love and makes perfect sense once you can understand this simple concept.

As we prepare to celebrate Valentine’s Day, the day when cards and gifts measure the depth of love, let us remember that this is not true love. True love is the love of Christ, sacrificial love, a love that serves and gives. That is what we are called to be about this Valentine’s Days.

So when you walk down the aisle of the Hallmark store, keep in mind Jesus and what he did for us. Let’s be more concerned with telling others about His love than building ourselves up with expensive and important gifts. A simple “I love you”, a kind deed, a helping hand, an unexpected gift of love, that’s what Valentine’s Day should be all about.

So Happy Valentine’s Day, Jesus. Thank you for coming to earth to show us what real love is. Help us to love as you did, sacrificially and in service to others. If we all did that , the world would be a better place for everyone.

About Marty Norman

Marty Norman is a wife, mother, and grandmother of five, who lives in Fort Worth, Texas. She is the author of “Generation G – Advice for Savvy Grandmothers Who Will Never Go Gray.” You can learn more about her at www.martynorman.com. To receive her monthly newsletter "The Savvy Grandmother email savvygrandmother@gmail.com.
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One Response to “What’s Love Got to Do With It?”
  1. Hally Franz says:

    I like the Tina Turner song, but I LOVE one that we sing in church based on the scripture you cited. It is sung in a round and absolutely beautiful, just as His amazing and unmatched love for us. Thanks, Marty!

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