Striking a Balance
February 4, 2020 by Hally Franz
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
By Hally Franz –
Have you been accused of being a “helicopter mom”? I have – by my husband. I am not sure whether to feel complimented or assaulted. Since I like to look on the positive side of things, I am going with the idea that he was totally admiring my parenting style.
In caring for our kids, we moms often move handily through the roles of body guard, private investigator, personal tutor, fashion police, counselor and cop. Sometimes, we manage several of those in a single conversation!
Dads approach things a little differently. Most moms have horror stories about what’s happened when children have been left in dad’s charge. Children have been seen in public looking disheveled and in frightening wardrobe combinations. Homework folders have been left unchecked and schedules have gone awry. Scary scenarios! When I have challenged my husband’s level of supervision, he has shamelessly responded that “no one died.” He was right, of course, but that wasn’t exactly the standard I was hoping for.
Dads and moms have different perspectives on child-rearing. We protect and nurture our children differently. While moms may hold too tightly, dads may fail to attend to what their children are saying and doing. Perhaps that’s one reason children need two parents; we do parenting better when moms and dads balance and compliment one another.
Our Heavenly Father knows just how much guidance we need at any given time. He alone provides the perfect balance of protection over us, along with the freedom that allows us to respond or not to His desires for us. And, He will help us do the same as parents when we seek His counsel in prayer.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for being the best parent. Thank You for knowing precisely how to protect, comfort, advise and convict us when needed. We pray that You will help parents as we seek to do likewise for the children You have blessed us with.
“But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you” (Psalm5:11NIV).
Thanks, Hally. With a mom’s doting and nurturing nature and a father’s rough-and-tumble fun, it’s makes a great balance for a child to have each. I think it’s genius that God planned it that way!
Indeed, it is! Thanks, Carin!