Take the Money and Run

January 27, 2020 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Personal Growth

By Jarrod Spencer –

There is a new TV show that had a short run this summer titled “Take the Money and Run.” Its premise is that two people are given a briefcase with $100,000 inside. They are given one hour to hide the briefcase anywhere they want. At the end of that hour they are picked up by two investigators and taken to individual holding cells for 48 hours. During this time, two interrogators get to question them as much as they want as with various methods. The investigators and the interrogators are provided the GPS coordinates of their route, phone records and any receipts they may accumulate during that one hour time.

The people try to lie and tell the truth. They try to keep their stories straight. They try to keep the investigators as far away as possible. Ultimately, the people are trying to outfox the investigators and interrogators for the sake of greed. In the context of the sport, they are greedy, not wanting the other people to have the money.

The premise of that TV show made me think about the story of the ten lepers in Luke 17. Jesus comes in contact with ten men who had leprosy. They cannot come close to Jesus, due to their uncleanness. He tells them to go show them to the priests. Along the way, they are healed. Only one comes back with appreciation. Jesus asked about the other nine.

There is a lesson in that the one who came back was a Samaritan. As some know, Jews and Samaritans did not get along well. However, I want to focus a bit on the fact that the other nine “took the money and ran.” They were greedy. They received what they were looking for and then took off.

I have been one of the nine. Whether it was after I received some money from my parents or grace from God. Either way, there have been times I was taking it and running. Glad that I received what I wanted, but took off with it without expressing thanks.

I would guess you’ve been “one of the nine” also. You have probably been “the one” too. However, may we be challenged to be “the one” more than “one of the nine” with both God and with others.

PRAYER: Father, though I may “take the money and run” more times that I would like, thank You for your forgiveness in times of my greediness. May I strive to be “the one” more than I have in the past.

BIBLE VERSE: “Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?” (Luke 17:17 NIV).

About Jarrod Spencer

Today’s devotional is by Jarrod Spencer. He is a seeker of God’s surprises in everyday life. He has a passion for encouraging people through the written word. You can read more of his writings at http://jarrodspencer.blogspot.com and visit his church’s website at www.colbychurch.com.
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3 Responses to “Take the Money and Run”
  1. Alan Mowbray says:

    I’m right there with ya, bro.
    Every time God talks to me and reveals stuff like this about myself, a fresh wave of gratitude envelops me as I realize (again) that no matter how good I am, no matter how much I love him, no matter how careful I am to honor him… it will never be enough.
    Thank you God for sending your Son to die for me. Thank you for your grace!

  2. Rob says:

    Jarrod (cool name), the search for missing has always led many to look to find it in money. I just pray that financial difficulties for individuals all around the world draws people in their droves to find whats truly missing in their lives – a father who was so desparate for his children to be in relationship with him that he sent his son to die for them.

    Kind regards


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