Because Moms Matter

April 16, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family

By Gina Stinson –

Moms matter. For all those days you find yourself wondering if what you do really makes a difference, consider this your personal pat on the back and be assured. It does.

Whether you’re a good mom or a bad mom, what you do counts. The influence we have on the lives God trusts us with on earth is immeasurable. In fact, it’s a little frightening. The words I speak over my children on a daily basis help form their own thoughts about the world, God, their self-worth, their family and more. Let’s face it my parenting skills—good or bad—are going to be mirrored in my kids. Lord help us.

Seriously, Lord help us! In a world that is screaming out to kids about their weight, their athletic ability and their grade point average, I’m suppose to be screaming (in a good way) about the love of God, how much they are valued in God’s eyes, while at the same time instilling a Christian world-view. It’s a daunting task. Somebody’s gotta do it. Someone will.

Good parenting isn’t for the lazy. God’s Word tells me I am to be instilling God-things in my children from sunup to sundown. I have so much to do and so little time. Eighteen to twenty-two years hardly seems like enough time to get it all in. Thankfully God is on my side, helping, guiding, and giving opportunities to guide my children through this life. Christian parents don’t walk alone. With our guidebook, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit, we can make a difference in this generation. Lord help us.

PRAYER:  Father thank You for trusting me to take care of the children You gave me. They are Yours. Use them, guide them, help them, protect them. Help me to do my part to proclaim Your name and to etch Your character on our home.

“Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deuteronomy 11:19 NIV).

This devotion was written by Gina Stinson, a minister’s wife and mother of two. Gina writes from a mom’s perspective on life issues, the home, and the church. There’s never a dull moment on her blog, , where you can always be sure to catch a word of encouragement or a thought to ponder.

About Gina Stinson

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