Book Review: The Right Call

Written by Kathy Herman –
Reviewed by Nike Chillemi –

Gambling is a terrible addiction. That’s what Steadman Reeves finds out in Kathy Herman’s well crafted novel The Right Call. Steadman falls over the edge, pulling others with him into the pit. Luckily, he doesn’t lose everything. Others are not so lucky and they pay the ultimate price.College boy Ethan Langley gets caught up in Steadman’s plight and finds this awful situation threatening Vanessa Jessup, the girl he’s crazy about.

Ethan has come home for the summer to Sophie Trace, Tennessee in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains and is eager to find out if he still has a friendship with Vanessa and her infant son Carter. Without getting preachy, author Kathy Herman is able to finesse her point that we can’t avoid the consequences of the choices we make.

Ethan envisions a typical summer for a college boy, a short-term job at his uncle’s business and a good deal of free time to discover if there’s more than friendship in his relationship with Vanessa. However, before he can start romancing the girl of his dreams, his cousin Drew’s roommate is shot to death. Drew tries to revive Tal Davison, only son of the richest man in town, but the boy slips away. Drew then becomes a suspect. Vanessa’s mother, Police Chief Brill Jessup, investigates and Drew is cleared, but soon after is shot to death in front of Vanessa while she is holding her infant son.

Ethan is left reeling by Drew’s murder and feels guilty for going on with his job and his pursuit of Vanessa. He’s also worried Vanessa may be the killer’s next target. Enter Steadman Reeves, who seems about to have a nervous breakdown. Steadman tells Ethan how, because of his addiction to gambling, a bizarre plot was constructed that could frame him for the murder of Tal Davison. The conspirator did a good job, everything points to Steadman’s guilt.

Ethan does some investigating of his own and Steadman provides more information demonstrating his innocence. Ethan gets closer to the truth and realizes Drew’s murder is related to the first murder. Then a thug attacks Ethan and threatens the safety of Vanessa and little Carter. He feels he has no choice but to back off the case, after all Steadman’s sins have gotten him into this mess, but the death toll keeps rising.

A great deal of soul-searching helps Ethan decide he can’t let those responsible for Drew’s death get away with cold-blooded murder. For me, as a murder mystery lover, one of the best things about the book is that the identity of the person behind the killings is a shocker.

This is the last of the Sophie Trace suspense series. However, it can be read as a standalone novel. My only criticism is that sometimes details are repeated, especially in dialogue by characters who frequent the local coffee shop. I enjoyed the plot twists and turns and my heart was warmed when the romance ended in a charming way. This novel is a wonderful read.

About Nike Chillemi

Nike Chillemi has been called a crime fictionista due to her passion for crime fiction. She is a member of ACFW and the Edgy Christian Fiction Lovers on Ning. She was an Inspy Awards 2010 and a Carol Awards 2011 judge, She is the founding board member of the Grace Awards, a reader's choice awards for excellence in Christian fiction.
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