Book Review: Higher Hope

Written by Robert Whitlow –
Reviewed by J Renee Archer –

Higher Hope is the second novel in the Tides of Truth Series by Robert Whitlow. This book picks up precisely where Deeper Water leaves off. The transition between books is more like beginning a new chapter than a new book. Tammy is in the middle of her summer clerking position at a law firm in Savannah. She has completed a case that presented many trials with her personal ethics and now has a slander case consuming her professional life. Tammy has negative feelings about this case from the beginning; something does not seem right but, the senior partner overseeing the case will not excuse her. Aside from work, the elderly lady Tammy lives with and cares for has health issues that leave Tammy wondering if she will soon be homeless.

Zach Mays continues to pursue a relationship beyond coworker and Tammy agrees to let him meet her parents. They travel to her home for the weekend in hopes of her parents’ approval to court. Throughout the weekend, Zach struggles to say and do the right thing and Tammy is caught in the middle trying to make everyone happy.

The innocent romance mainly takes place in the first portion of the book. Once the weekend visit is over, there is little development in their relationship. My one nitpick of Higher Hope is that the relationship did not develop enough after the climax of concluding the visit to Tammy’s home. That said, I enjoyed reading about a budding relationship written by a man. Men’s viewpoint on relationships differs from women’s and readers do not often have the chance to read a man’s take in a piece of fiction.

Whitlow, again, makes the reader comfortable and at ease reading a legal drama. The terminology does not overwhelm or leave the reader confused. The plot is much broader than the pleadings of the case. Tammy has drama all around her; it is not restricted to her professional life.

Higher Hope is a well-written sequel that keeps the reader reading. As with Deeper Water, Higher Hope concludes all too soon. Read Higher Hope for the inspiring ethics of Tammy Taylor and for the pure and honest relationship of Tammy and Zach. Enjoy the talent of Robert Whitlow as he makes the contradictory worlds of law and religion seem more parallel than originally thought.

Book three in the Tides of Truth Series will release in the spring of 2011.

J Renee is an avid reader and enjoys telling others about the great books she reads. She and her husband and 3-year old son live in a 100-year old home in a rural community. J Renee enjoys gardening, playing and teaching piano and creating memories with the two boys in her life. You can read more reviews and other tidbits at J Renee’s blog:

About J. Renee Archer

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