Times in Our Lives

By Cami Checketts –

I am one of those odd people who actually enjoys exercise. I love pushing myself through a hard workout. I love getting sweaty and having a reason to shower. I love knowing that my muscles are strong and I can keep up with my wild boys. But at my current state, I consider vacuuming my living room a form of cardiovascular exercise!How did I regress from running marathons to waddling around? I decided I needed another angel in my life and am expecting my fourth baby in August.

There are times in all of our lives that fitness has to take a backseat–-sickness of a child, taking care of an elderly parent, overload at work or a new baby. I’m sure you all have a list of your own. The ironic thing is at these times we need exercise more than ever. Exercise releases good feeling endorphins, decreases stress, helps us sleep better and basically makes us feel better.

But what do you do when life is on overload and you barely have energy to get dressed each day?

I suggest you employ these tricks to help you fit in fitness:

  • Make a workout date with yourself on your calendar.
  • Lay your exercise clothes out the night before.
  • Place the alarm clock across the room so you have to get up.
  • Do little spurts of exercise–-dancing with your children, lifting weights while you watch television, walking or doing calf raises while you talk on the phone.
  • Find an exercise buddy who motivates you.
  • Sign up for an exercise class or a triathlon to get yourself motivated.

Use all of these tricks and any others that work for you, but also realize it when you are going through a hard or busy time in your life, and give yourself a break. If you don’t get to the gym on a morning you promised yourself to go, realize you probably needed sleep or some snuggle time with your child. Don’t beat yourself up. Focus on the positive and recommit to getting out of bed tomorrow.

Every one of us goes through trials. If we focus on the positive and rely on the Lord, we can use these hard times in our lives to make ourselves a better person. Then we can come out smiling on the other side.

Yes, I can barely waddle around the block, but soon I’ll have a gorgeous baby. During this time in my life, I may not be able to exercise like I did before, but I am making the effort to waddle around as much as I can…and to fit in fitness.

Cami Checketts is a wife, mother, exercise scientist, and author. Her latest novel, The Sister Pact, is in stores now. www.camichecketts.com. ©2010

About Cami Checketts

Cami Checketts is a wife, mother of four boys, fitness consultant, and author. Please refer to her blogs for more information - http://camicheckettsbooks.blogspot.com - http://fitnessformom.blogspot.com.
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