American Pride

March 4, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics

By Gina Stinson –

One of the greatest blessings of my life has been to live in America. Regardless of how I feel about the government, its officials, taxes, or the economy, there is still no other country on earth where I’d rather have my citizenship. I’m reminded of the enormity of my freedom when I hear missionary friends tell of the tactics they go through to be able to share Christ, give a Bible away, or even meet for church. Things are certainly not perfect in American, but they are better here than anywhere else.

I can’t imagine sneaking to the border to get a Bible because it’s illegal to buy one in America. I can’t imagine meeting in a neighbor’s basement because meeting at my church might result in being imprisoned. I can’t imagine being unable to speak freely of answered prayers, hearts changed, and lives renewed because of God’s grace. Yet in many countries across the world, people live with the knowledge that doing anything openly in the name of Christ might result in prison, torture, or even death. I dare to believe that the amount of courage it takes to live as a Christian in other countries might exceed the amount of bravery many American Christians possess.

Maybe it’s time, as an American, in addition to the pride I feel about living in the land of the free, that I add prayer time for Christians in dark lands, communist countries and unreached nations. Maybe it’s time I become more grateful for the freedoms I have in this country and take advantage of them. Go to church, read my Bible, share the blessing of a relationship with the Lord with those around me – these are all things that can get squeezed out of our busy lives when we take our freedoms for granted. I wonder if we lost them, would they somehow become more important to us?

PRAYER: God help me be more thankful for the freedoms You’ve given me in this country. Prompt me to pray for those who struggle to hear Your Word proclaimed. Thank You for the privilege of living in America.

“Declare His glory among the heathen, His wonders among all people” (Psalm 96:3 KJV).

Today’s devotion is by Gina Stinson, who resides in Sulphur Springs, Texas, with her family. As a minister’s wife, and homeschooling mom of two she juggles her time and talents in hopes of honoring and pleasing Jesus Christ. You can learn more about Gina and her juggling at

About Gina Stinson

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