Creation Screams, “God!”

February 26, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship

There’s nothing like springtime in North Texas. Flowers and trees come into bloom with wave after wave of color. Early on, it’s the gentle lavender of the redbud trees. Then come the pears, clouds of white blossoms against a still-barren landscape. Next are the dogwoods, more white blossoms, this time sprinkled in darkly-wooded areas as if by an artist with an airbrush. About the same time, the bluebonnets come into bloom, casting blue patches with white highlights along highways for miles and miles along the Texas landscape. The spring wildflower season finally ends with the yellow-orange glow of black-eyed susans.I live on six acres in the country, and every year I revel in the beauty that unfolds in successive waves every spring. But it isn’t just spring wildflowers that hold my attention. As I look around me, I can’t get over the incredible beauty of this world and everything in it. Part of that is the artist in me. After thirty-plus years of painting and drawing, I have cultivated an eye that observes the details of nature.

I am not a scientist, and I don’t have an analytical mind. However, I instinctively know that the world I see around me virtually screams, “God!” When I go to an art museum and see an exquisite painting or sculpture, I am filled with awe. I delight in the beauty that the artist has put before me. I feel that same delight when I look at the wildflowers, or glance up at the Milky Way on an especially dark night, or look into my granddaughter’s eyes and listen to her giggle.

Can I prove the existence of God? No.

I don’t need to. I see Him all around me.

AUTHOR QUOTE: When I see art, I don’t need to question whether or not an artist exists.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handiwork,” Psalm 19:1 KJV.

Today’s devotion is by James H. Pence. James is an author, editor, singer, and performance chalk artist who uses his gifts to tell the stories of your heart. Visit his Web site at:

About James Pence

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2 Responses to “Creation Screams, “God!””
  1. Norma Vera says:

    Good article James, Great job!

  2. Heather Arbuckle says:

    There is nothing in the world as beautiful as spring in North Texas! God truly is a “show off”!!!

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