Emmy’s Equal

Written by Marcia Gruver
Review by Lena Nelson Dooley

ISBN 978-1-60260-207-6
Historical Romance
Texas Fortunes – Book 3

Back Cover Copy:
A Strong-willed City Girl Meets Her Match in a Stubborn Vaquero

Emmy Dane’s recent decision to trust God with her life has yet to rub off on her stubborn spirit. When her family decides to travel to South Texas to research ranching and demand that Emmy join them, she vows to hate every minute of it.

In Carrizo Springs, Texas, cowboy and ranch foreman Diego Marcelo’s Choctaw mama tells him about her dream that God will soon deliver Diego from his loneliness. Diego assures her he has no need of deliverance and likes things the way they are. . .but grows jealous over the seeming attraction between Emmy and his boss’s son. So why is his mother adamant that Emmy is not the one from her dreams?

When Emmy’s family and Diego’s boss are overdue returning from a cattle drive, Emmy insists on accompanying Diego’s search party. Diego refuses, but finds Emmy’s stubbornness a match for his own.

Faced with a stampede and a wildfire, will Emmy and Diego be able to surrender their wills and recognize true love before it’s too late?

My Review:

I have loved Marcia’s writing since I read the first page of DIAMOND DUO, the first book in this series. EMMY’S EQUAL is a fit ending of the series. With strong character development, Marcia takes the reader deep into the hearts, revealing strengths and weaknesses, making the reader really care about what happens to the people.

And her plot twists constantly surprise the reader.

Add to that the fact that she created a setting where the reader can see, hear, feel, taste, and experience the Texas frontier. I found this an excellent read that you won’t want to miss.

Find out more about Lena Nelson Dooley at http://lenanelsondooley.blogspot.com, or www.twitter.com/lenandooley

About Lena Dooley

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