Artist Spotlight: MIKESCHAIR

November 25, 2018 by  
Filed under Music Spotlight

With negative influences in today’s media and culture it is very easy to get lost in all of the confusion.  That’s where the band, MIKESCHAIR, comes in.  Now, when you hear of a band called “MIKESCHAIR,” you’re probably going to double check if you heard the name right.  I did to, and found out it comes from some funny experiences the band had together when they formed.  In college, the band members met, and they all lived on the same floor of a dorm, except for the lead singer, Mike Grayson.  He lived on a different floor, but all his time was spent hanging with the band and writing music, on their floor.  So, one day the rest of the band decided to buy Mike a chair so that he’d have something to sit on, when he came down (and to sleep on).  So, the name MIKESCHAIR seemed very fitting, and the rest was history. 

MIKESCHAIR’s music provides an escape from the rollercoaster of life.  Their clever style blends power pop and Christian rock, into a winning combination.  There’s even some techno in a couple songs that contributes to the band’s variety.  MIKESCHAIR’s faith is present, first and foremost, and they make sure the listener can experience it, too.  Their most popular song is “Can’t Take Away,” a song that truly was made with God’s help.  The song sends a message that someone can take away everything you have, but they can’t take away God.  It’s on my top ten list, and I’m sure it will become one of your favorites, as well. 

All in all, MIKESCHAIR is a relief from the ill guided messages on TV and the radio.  When you first experience MIKESCHAIR’s music, it will leave you wanting and waiting for more.  I personally feel that anyone that enjoys music and has a love for Christ will be able to appreciate the passion that lies in the band’s songs. 

To learn more about this band, please visit their MySpace at:

About Brian Johnson

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