Whine and Cheese

June 7, 2023 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By Lisa Brewer Buffaloe

For a number of years, health problems have plagued a friend of mine named Nancy. The doctors finally diagnosed her with a disease I cannot pronounce, much less write. Yet, even through the frustrations of battling the illness, her faith has never faltered in God and His goodness.

During a phone call, we updated one another on our ongoing medical conditions. She was beginning a new round of medication and knew the side effects would be nasty — puffiness, hair loss, nausea, etc.

I was well on my way to a major pity party of my own. It had been two weeks since surgery on the shredded tendons and ligaments on my hip. The first week had been tolerable, thanks to massive doses of narcotics dispensed through the pain pump tethered to my leg. But now, with the pump removed, the excruciating pain had returned.

We both knew God would help us through, but the whine was strong. We decided we should get together… let me share the gist of the conversation.

Nancy: Let’s do a whine and cheese party.

Lisa: Can’t do cheese, I’m lactose intolerant – that would be a big whine. How about chocolate instead?

Nancy: Oh great! Okay, let’s get together and have coffee at Starbucks too!

Lisa: Great, a whine, coffee and chocolate party. Problem is I still can’t drive.

Nancy: I can drive. I’ll come get you.

Lisa: Great. But who will help us with our wheelchairs?


Nancy: Oh that’s right. No problem, I can walk a bit, we can park close to the door.

Lisa: Okay, maybe I can use my walker and leave the wheelchair.

Nancy: I know… we can call our friend Cherie to drive us.

Lisa: Yep, we can even buy her some coffee and chocolate.

Nancy: Yes, a baby-sitting fee.


Laughter, side-splitting laughter. Tear-flowing, God-healing laughter, taking us from pity party to laugh party.

God allowed us to whine for a time, but a good laugh gave us the perspective we needed.

The Lord knows our situations. He knows that life is often difficult. He is a loving Father, and He gives us time to grieve, and process. He promises… “I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future. Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” (Jeremiah 29:11-12 NCV)  He hears our cries, He knows our hurts, and each day He will carry us safe and secure in His tender arms.

Nancy and I never did make the Starbucks run, but we did have some fun wheelchair races at a Mexican restaurant in the following months.

So once again today, I will try and leave the whine behind, and remember His precious promises. “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior… (Isaiah 43:2-3 NIV)

To learn more about this author, visit: www.lisabuffaloe.com


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