Artist Spotlight: Christy Nockels

April 18, 2015 by  
Filed under Featured, Music, Music Interviews

By Brian Johnson 
Female artist Christy Nockels excels on her latest album, “Life Light Up.”  Christy started as most Christian artists today, singing for her local church as a worship leader.  From there, she wrote songs with her husband, who was also a Christian artist.  The two released an album together under the name Watermark and were signed by record label, Rocketown Records.  The pair went on to produce great music together and were nominated for a plethora of Dove awards.  After five albums, Christy decided it was time to go home and spend more time with her kids and local church.  Now, Christy is back as a solo artist, signed by sixstepsrecords.

“Life Light Up” shares Nockel’s passion for music and ambition to want to help people live for God.  One song you might recognize on the album is, “No Not One.”  She co-wrote the song with Brandon Heath and is also found on his album, “What if We.”  Christy gives a new approach to the song, by speeding up the tempo and adding instrumentals that are truly remarkable.  One aspect you are sure to find on any song on the album is passion.  Passion for Christ is so apparent throughout the album.  The songs also give a pop feel, yet she mixes their meanings and tempos.

On Christy’s Myspace page she lists her influences as, Sarah McLachlan, Patty Griffin, Crystal Lewis, and Wynona Judd, to name a few.  While she lists a lot of references for her music, you are sure to find a well amount of similarities throughout the album.  I strongly recommend the album.  It doesn’t matter if you are young, old, male, or female, because those differences seem to fade, when you’re inspired by her music. 

To find out more about Christy Nockels check her out at

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