Monday, March 17, 2025

Bump into God in the Parking Lot

June 16, 2019 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By Pam Kumpe –

Do you think God looks for us in the parking lot of life? Does he have to yell before we will respond?

My hubby’s parking lot incident sent my thoughts to wondering how I’d react if God came looking for me, or if I’d hear the Lord call my name.

One night, I had driven back to my hometown, knowing, I needed to stop at the store for groceries. I didn’t want to circle back to do this task, however my schnauzer was in the car, so I need hubby to pick her up from me.

After I begged, he offered his assistance, to make a puppy exchange in the parking lot, so I could go shopping.

I parked my car, turned on the dome light and opened my car window. Macy’s black nose twitched in the cold air as I kept watch for hubby’s red Tonka truck.

Zoom. Zoom. He rounded the parking lot, and I expected his truck to pull up behind my Honda, only he zipped right past me and turned down the other lane.

This routine of drive-bys continued five more times. Finally, I dialed his cell phone, tracking the moving target. I didn’t wait for his hello. “What are you doing?”

Of course, in my retelling of this story, my voice is much calmer and sweeter. It’s always nicer on paper.

Hubby responded with, “I can’t find you. I’ve been driving around. I’m parking my truck and since you see me, you bring Macy to my truck.”

I grabbed my puppy and walked to his truck. Handing my barking pet to hubby through the window, she licked, whined and loved on her human daddy giving him doggy smacks.

Their reunion was interrupted with my yelling words.

“Ray. Ray. Ray. R … A … Y!” I bounced up and down like a pogo stick at his window, and with each roll of the tires, I screamed his name.

When his truck crashed into the car parked in front of his, Ray realized his foot had slipped from the brake pedal.

Crash. Boom. Bang. Dents. Scrapes. Embarrassment.

I learned from this situation, to never ask my hubby to make a doggy exchange, and to never stand outside of his truck while he has a dog licking his face.

However, when it comes to God, I must be ready at all times, so I can make the best exchange of all. The Lord wants me to put on the brakes and roll ahead with victory, as he directs my steps.

Scripture tells me, that whoever listens to God will dwell safely, and will be secure without fear of evil. (See Proverbs 1:33.)

In other words, a life listening to God has less bumps, and fender bender moments, however if we need to make a love-exchange with the Lord, he’ll meet us anywhere, even in a parking lot.

He will drive up and down the lane as he searches for us, ready to deliver his message of everlasting love, the hope we all need when life crashes in, or in the case of my hubby rolls ahead and into other folks.

Pam Kumpe writes a weekly inspirational newspaper column for the Bowie County Life/ Texarkana Gazette newspaper. She is the host of “Permission to Have Fun” an online radio show filled with fun, faith and encouragement, with the idea of rejoicing in the Lord, even when life seems out of tune.

What does your Life Journal say?

June 5, 2019 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By Pam Kumpe –

Do you remember where you were in 1989? Do you ever find yourself looking back in awe at the guidance and assurance you received from the Lord during your journey?

On a whim, I started writing in journals that year, and just this past December I closed the cover to yet another year of scribbles, notes and answered prayers.

Documenting the moments where I have cried, giggled, and enjoyed blessings, I have captured memories, many of which I would have forgotten. I’m the reason blonde jokes are alive and well on planet earth.

During my note taking, I’ve written about my children, my husband, my identical twin sister (best friend), about friends and strangers; all who’ve  made a difference in my life.

I’ve entered prayer requests to God, recorded the miracles of His touch in my life—all with the idea of thinking on praiseworthy things.

I have watched my entries evolve. I once wrote brief notes and tidbits, now I tend to recap God’s involvement in a situation, doing my best to see the Lord’s blessing in all situations.

Making an effort to stay away from negative entries has brought perspective to my life. Besides, when I look on the brighter side, I enjoy life and experience joy even when life falls on top of me, or I fall on top of it.

There’s something to treasure where Paul speaks in Philippians 4 about thinking on whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things (Philippians 4:8 NIV).

Putting on what we learn and have received from God is a charge Paul gives to us and the result of practicing praiseworthy things—brings peace to our hearts.

I can use more peace in my life, can’t you? And to think, this truth is as close as adhering to the Word of God.

Looking back through my journals, I have names of people who have offered kindness, friendship, served, given of their time, showed love and have made an impact in their community.

Just a few weeks ago, an angel (or a great friend) dropped off at my husband’s office, oversized two-foot Raggedy Ann & Raggedy Andy dolls. (My Raggedy Ann doll met an untimely death when I was only six years old, because my twin sister put her on the railroad track.)

My friend’s act of kindness took me back to my childhood, and tugged on my heart in a way which spoke to the essence of just how much God loves me. That’s right, God sent His son Jesus to die on the railroad track (cross) in my place, to rise again with new life (stepping from the tomb), to give me His love. He has my name written in His journal, and the Lord has captured my heart for eternity.

So I must ask. Do you sometimes feel like a Raggedy Andy or Raggedy Ann doll in a world filled with too many mishaps and mistakes? If so, think on the things that are right, pure and lovely, and fall into the arms of Jesus, He’s better than a rag doll, He’s alive. And He is ready to write your name in the best journal of all, the Book of Life.

Pam Kumpe writes a weekly inspirational newspaper column for the Bowie County Life/ Texarkana Gazette newspaper. She is the host of “Permission to Have Fun” an online radio show filled with fun, faith and encouragement, with the idea of rejoicing in the Lord, even when life seems out of tune.