Monday, March 17, 2025

A Bridge Too Far

June 5, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Marty Norman –

I love war movies. I don’t know what it is about them. Maybe it’s the heroism and courage. Perhaps it’s the reminder of a different time and place, when honor and integrity reigned, when a man’s handshake was his word. Either way, I try to watch them whenever they are on the movie channel.

One of my favorites is “A Bridge Too Far.”  An epic war film, it relates the failure of the Allies to break through the German lines and seize a vital bridge for the German army. Some of my favorite actors were in it: Michael Caine, Sean Connery, Gene Hackman, Anthony Hopkins, Robert Redford, James Caan. Perhaps you’ve seen it?

The scene is the Netherlands following D-Day when the Allied supply lines and troops are bogged down and speed is of the essence. The Allies are not able to move toward Germany which has been their ultimate goal and strategy for winning the war. Drastic measures are in order.

A daring plan by Field Marshal Montgomery calls for the largest air assault ever attempted: 35,000 men are dropped behind enemy lines where the Allies plan to seize the bridge at Arnem and open up a road for the invasion of Germany. The overall plan is for paratroopers to take the bridge for two to three days until ground forces arrive and secure it. Speed is if the essence since this bridge is the last means of escape for the German forces.

Unfortunately, the best laid plans of mice and men sometimes do not work. In this case the results are disastrous. There are many complications and the rendezvous is thwarted. Many die and are captured by the failure.

But isn’t that how life is? No matter how well we plan, no matter how meticulous we are in our preparation, some things just don’t work out.

Recently I invited my grandkids to Fort Worth for our annual decorating of the gingerbread house. A yearly tradition, I acted before I knew the date. Who could have known that date would coincide with tickets I had already purchased to a Broadway play in Dallas. The best laid plans of mice and men; certainly not equivalent to a battlefield disaster, but a grandchild disappointment certainly in the making.

What to do—lose the money for the show or disappoint the grandkids and break an eight year tradition that has been a blast in the making.

But never fear; Marme is here. Putting the old thinking cap on, I was able work it out. In one fell swoop I picked them up in Austin, arranged for a Saturday morning decorating “tee time,” set up an afternoon babysitter, attended the play in Dallas and was home in time for dinner. No flies on this grandmother.

Unlike “A Bridge Too Far” it was lucky for me that I worked out the details to everyone’s satisfaction. But how often does this scenario not work out? In this day of computers, digital texting and email, best laid plans often go awry.

But what a great lesson for me on planning, expectations, and adaptability! My experience made me think of our armed forces in the field. Then and now, they handle interrupted plans and schedules with dignity. In the field, maneuvers often don’t work as planned, but these men barely bat an eye. They know how to be flexible. Turning 180 degrees, they adapt themselves to the situation and move forward.

Isn’t that how we should be, hoping for the best while planning for the worst; best not to be too rigid when inflexibility gets the best of us. Better to have plans A, B, C, D and more. Whatever is needed in order to move forward.

So now when I under plan or over schedule, I always ask myself, “What’s going on here?  Are you ready or is this a bridge too far? Better think this through one more time before someone gets hurt in the process.”

A bridge too far is now a code to me to stop, look and listen , to plan ahead but be willing to change plans at a moment’s notice. Best not to let expectations and timetables be the straw that broke this camel’s back. And most importantly, best to think about the potential and unintended consequences. When that’s done, I can move forward with confidence.

The same principle works in the spiritual realm. But with God, this plan takes surrender and letting go from the outset. Trusting and knowing that the plan is best executed and undertaken under the headship of the living God allows me to surrender to Him, rather than surrender to the enemy. Then, and only then, can no plan be thwarted by man.

If I follow my plan, it could indeed be a bridge too far. But if I follow the Lord’s plan, all will work together for good, for the Lord knows and sees the bigger picture; best to trust and obey and see how He works out the details.

Marty Norman is a wife, mother, and grandmother of five, who lives in Fort Worth, Texas.  She is the author of Generation G – Advice for Savvy Grandmothers Who Will Never Go Gray. You can learn more about her at:,,

The Lazarus Effect

May 23, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Marty Norman –

Jesus wept. Then the Jews said, “See how he loved him”(John 11:35-36 NIV).

Jesus had many friends. But Mary, Martha and Lazarus were counted among his closest. So it is no surprise that when Jesus arrived at the tomb after Lazarus died he wept, for he loved much. Even the Jews saw how much he loved him.

As we enter into the month of February, the world’s epitome of and definition for love, we hear repeated commercials and advertisement regarding expressions of that love through the gifting of candy and flowers, valentines and gifts. It might do us well to stop and compare scriptural love to worldly love.

Recently I watched a rerun of “Shakespeare in Love” with Gwyneth Paltrow and Joseph Fiennes. A fun movie, although fictional, its viewing prompted research on my part of the play it depicted.  According to worldly standards and reviews read, “Romeo and Juliet” is a portrayal of true emotional and spiritual love.

The story of love is birthed in the midst of chaos and broken relationship as two members from feuding families find each other and fall in love. Residents of a broken world they are unable, because of prejudice and judgment, to come together in freedom. They, therefore, choose to die in order to not be separated. It is through their love experienced in death that their families reconcile as they set aside differences and forgive.

Although awe-inspiring and spell binding, Shakespeare misrepresents real love.  His love is based on emotion, a worldly romantic, passionate, love at first sight kind of love, unselfish but limited by the boundaries and stipulations of others.

Contrast that with scriptural love. Unconditional, it is self-sacrificing the kind of love God has for his children. Pure and without judgment it is uplifting. According to I Corinthians 13 this kind of love is patient and kind. It does not boast nor is proud, rude or self-seeking. Rather it rejoices in truth, protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres.

First John 4:19 (NIV) tells us that “we love because he first loved us.” A clearer statement can’t be found. We love as we are loved. One cannot give love if one has never received it. Even in the best of circumstances, there is no way that worldly love can express or portray this kind of supernatural love. For real love is a commitment and a covenant. Rather than a feeling it is a decision, based on an act of the will. Denying self, one chooses to put others first. We choose to love by serving others. We put ourselves second, sacrificing in ways that are at some cost to ourselves.

John tells us that Jesus was love. He demonstrated the extent of his love by sacrificing himself. John 15:23 (NIV) says, “Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends.” That is what Jesus did for us on the cross.

One of the most beautiful examples of love in scripture is the story of the sinful woman who anoints Jesus before his death with a vial of perfume. Some report that this was Mary, the sister of Lazarus. As she anoints Jesus’ feet, this woman never stops kissing him. Her gratitude for his love and forgiveness has no bounds. Of her Jesus says, “Her many sins have been forgiven – for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little” (Luke 7:47 NIV).

The Lazarus effect is very powerful. Applied to our world today, this unconditional, selfless, protective love can change the world. The Bible illustrates that love heals all things, even to overcoming death. Here the love of God, the love of Christ himself, brings life, not death. In this type of love God is glorified.

As humans we often need a physical manifestation in order to understand a spiritual principal. But in this case, one need only look into the eyes of a baby or small child. The light, love, hope and trust seen in their depth will bring one to his knees. I am blessed to see this manifestation on a daily basis from my grandchildren.

Let us learn a lesson from the story of Lazarus. Even in the depths of our prisons, tombs of death in which we reside, let us listen for the voice of the one who loves without measure. When he calls, “Lazarus, come forth” (John 11:43 NIV), let us hear our own name. Let us set aside our grave clothes and move into the light of love that is Christ.

And having experienced the Lazarus effect, let us pass it on to others by loving them unconditionally as we introduce them to Jesus. By doing so, they too will be brought out of the darkness of the tomb into the light of eternity.

Marty Norman is a wife, mother, and grandmother of five, who lives in Fort Worth, Texas.  She is the author of “Generation G – Advice for Savvy Grandmothers Who Will Never Go Gray.” You can learn more about her at:,,

Blessing the Generations

May 9, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Marty Norman –

It’s that time of year again. Seems like I just get the Christmas decorations put away for the season when it’s time to climb back up into the attic and start the process over again.  Where does the time go? Now it’s a new year, and I’ve got to pack everything up again for next year. It’s a never ending cycle.

Traditionally New Year’s Day is a new beginning for me. While the football games rage, I calmly back away Christmas while contemplating the year to come. Somehow there’s symmetry in this order.

But this year I’m doing something different. Instead of making my typical New Year’s Resolutions, which include being kind to others, losing ten pounds, and getting more organized, this year I’m only doing spiritual resolutions. Time is a-moving and if I’m going to bless the generations I best come up with a plan.

The question is, if I died tomorrow would I have completed everything spiritually I wanted to complete? The answer, of course, is no, although it may be different for each of us.

For me, I ask myself: Have I memorized all the scripture I want to have at the tip of my tongue? Have I read the Bible cover to cover? Do I pray by my bed on my knees at night as a model for my grandchildren?  Have I taught them my favorite hymns and Christmas carols?   When I’m gone what will they say about their Marme?

Recently I took my four-year-old grandson to Target. The church was participating in Franklin Graham’s “Samaritan Purse” Christmas boxes so I wanted him to experience selfless giving. The rules were set before we walked in the door. We were to buy nothing for him; everything we purchased was for others.

He decided he wanted to do a box for a 4 year-old boy and 6 year-old girl, so the search was on. What to put in the boxes that a boy 4 and a girl 6 would like?  An hour and a half later, and one hundred dollars lighter, we had our boxes filled. Not an inexpensive proposition, the lessons learned were well worth the money spent. My grandson had a huge dose of thinking of someone other than himself. And praise God, he rose to the occasion.

After our shopping spree, we needed a refueling trip to the ice cream store. I used the time to fill in the fill-in-the-blank letter included in the box. I wrote as he dictated, introducing himself by naming his favorite food, drink, games, etc.

But the surprise and gift of the day came when he answered the fill in the blanks… I love Jesus because… His answer:  “he loves us and let’s us pray, and he hears us right now.” Out of the mouths of babes.

So this year my New Year’s Resolutions have a new twist, nothing for me – all for God. You would have thought I’d have learned the lesson that my 4-year-old grandson learned that day. But I guess it’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks. Although this dog no longer hunts, I can still bark and find bones.

So time’s a-wasting. Let’s get this New Year’s Resolution format down to an understandable formula. Let’s bless the generations later as we do the work for the kingdom now.

Happy New Year’s and Good Hunting!

Everything the Light Touches

May 5, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Marty Norman –

John 1:8 “He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.” NIV

Six a.m. is not my best time of day.

At that hour I am barely awake, much less able to think or talk. This was my condition on October 30, 2010 when I turned on the DVD from my king size bed to watch “The Lion King” with my four-year-old grandson.

Suddenly I was jolted awake. A magnificent scene not only in the natural but in the spiritual was playing out before me. I didn’t want to miss a word as the voice of God spoke to my heart at the dawning of the day.

In the scene, Simba, the rambunctious lion cub and future king of the Pride Lands was held up by his father, Mufasa, the King and ruler of Pride Rock. In the spirit of all fathers, as the sun made its appearance over the horizon, he wanted to show his son the importance of his position in the kingdom. Using the natural to make his point, he slowly spun the lion cub in a 180 degree arc and majestically exclaimed, “Everything the light touches is your kingdom.”

Spiritually my heart quickened. My first thought was of Abraham and God’s covenant that everywhere his foot touched was holy ground given to the covenanted people. Then I thought of Jesus and his light and his kingdom, that everywhere he walked was life, the light of man. I turned to the Bible and read John I again, his beautiful description of who is and who is not the light.

As we approach this holiday season, first in Advent and then the celebration of Christmas, let us not forget about who is and is not the true light of the world. Like Mufasa, we are kings and rulers of our own Pride Rock. We are not the light; we have only come to bear witness to the light. But also like Mufasa, we have the opportunity, at the dawning of the day, to tell the world about the importance and vastness of the king and his kingdom.

What better time than at Christmas when the whole world, whether they know it or not, is celebrating the birth of Christ. Who better to tell them than us for Jesus came into the world 2000 years ago for us and for our salvation?  And the scripture promises that he will come again.

We, like John the Baptist are to bear witness to him and to his light. We are to be as Simeon who declared, “For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.” Luke 2:30-31 (NIV)

We have a two-fold commission. Like John the Baptist we are to prepare, and like Simeon we are to declare the good news. The light was and is and will be coming again into the world. We are to be clear about what is and is not his kingdom. We are to be clear about who and what Jesus is, witnesses that speak forth at the beginning of day and to all whom God places before us.

Make no mistake. The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Everywhere Jesus walked then and now, everywhere he is and will be, everything he touches and will touch is the kingdom of heaven. He is the light – everything the light touches is his kingdom.

What a great message for grandmothers. The season and Word make it even clearer. We’ve lived and we know. Like Simeon, we are not only believers but also ones waiting for the consolation of Israel, we can proclaim our testimonies: “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation.” Luke 1:29 NIV.

As the sun rises this Christmas season, let us not tarry, but rather lift those we love high to preview the world in a 180 degree arc. Let us proclaim with joy, “Everything the light touches, is his kingdom.”

May the light of the Lord and Savior of the World touch you and yours this holiday season above and beyond anything you can dream or imagine.

Marty Norman is a wife, mother, and grandmother of five, who lives in Fort Worth, Texas.  She is the author of “Generation G – Advice for Savvy Grandmothers Who Will Never Go Gray.” You can learn more about her at:,,

An Amazing Grace

April 25, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Marty Norman –

Who says nothing is impossible for our God! Recently I attended the wedding of an 84-year-old woman and a 91-year-old man. It was a miracle!

Both were the parents of two friends which made it even more of an honor to participate. Their story is an amazing grace, one of hope, redemption, renewal and love. What I learned from this experience is twofold: never underestimate the promises of God and never doubt the power that heals. After hearing their story you too will agree that for Jesus, all things are possible.

This, then, is their story.

Claire, 84, had been divorced for more years than she could count. Four children and an unhappy marriage, she became a career and small business woman until her retirement. Moving from home to apartment to retirement center, she was no different than many seniors as her health and hope declined. Soon after her move, she fell, was hospitalized and went downhill rapidly. Almost dying twice, she weakened to the point that she could no longer walk and was confined to a wheelchair. Dementia, as often does, crept in.

My friend, a strong believer, did not give up. Through prayer and God’s grace, she lovingly ministered to her mom and loved her as Christ loves his people. Slowly Claire began to come back. She started attending a weekly prayer group as well as a weekly Bible study. Painfully she began to walk again. A friend prayed over her prophesying that “the best was yet to come -her best years were ahead of her.” You could have fooled me by the looks of things. That kind of shows the condition of my faith.

Brad’s story was the exact opposite. A retired Army Colonel with three married daughters and numerous grandchildren he was happily married for over 60 years. He was the sole caretaker of his beloved wife, who was in ill health for many years.  After she died, he was active, bright, quick, with a great sense of humor and continued to drive and live alone, although the loneliness was overwhelming. Everyone was worried that the loneliness would get the best of him. His daughter, my friend, began to drop by to visit him in the evenings. Her loving presence allowed him to open up as never before. But he needed more. Who could have guessed what the Lord had prepared, but then we know that with the Lord, all things are possible.

One day, my two friends got together to discuss the loneliness of their parents. Since both were huge history buffs, an idea formed to take them to lunch and introduce them to one another. It was love at first sight.

An amazing transformation occurred.

Acting like teenagers, they began to date, going out to eat, laughing, joking, holding hands and talking for hours. They never seemed to run out of conversation. Five months later they tied the knot.

What an awesome experience. The wedding party consisted of her daughter and his grandson who stood with them at the altar.  Attendants were over 16 great grandchildren with numerous children, grandchildren, in-law and friends in attendance. A picture of them holding hands with the caption “We love you, Bow Bow and Dadaw!” graced the program.

It was a perfect day.

The church overflowed as many came to celebrate their joy. Handsomely decked out in their finest, they both were radiant. They stood, and sometimes sat, at the altar like teenagers. Her two sons gave her away, and her son and daughter-in-law officiated. His great grandsons did the Scripture readings. The highlight of the ceremony was an operatic recording made in 1942 by her mother, which provided the music and a teary moment for all. Truly I tell you it was a day made in heaven.

So now when people ask, I tell them nothing is impossible with our God and I share Claire and Brad’s story—the perfect witness to an amazing grace.

Marty Norman is a wife, mother, and grandmother of five, who lives in Fort Worth, Texas.  She is the author of Generation G – Advice for Savvy Grandmothers Who Will Never Go Gray. You can learn more about her at:,,