Staying Strong
June 20, 2019 by Cami Checketts
Filed under Christian Life, Health and Fitness
By Cami Checketts –
I love mornings! I start my day with a great workout and a positive attitude. I plan how I’m going to be healthy and happy all day. By mid-afternoon I start running out of steam, ready to scream at my boys and eat a pound of chocolate just to help me keep moving. I usually resist both temptations, but by the time the boys are in bed I’m sick of being in control of myself. I tell myself that I did pretty good today and I deserve that bowl of ice cream.
It’s so easy to lose sight of our goals when we’re exhausted and discouraged. I find this is true for me in healthy eating as well as other areas of my life.
Sundays are a day that bolsters me for a busy week. A speaker at church a few weeks ago compared this to a leaky bucket. It gets filled to the brim on Sunday with wonderful spiritual experiences, insights and a rest from our labors. But throughout the week the water slowly leaks out when we make choices that aren’t quite up to snuff. Maybe on Monday our teenager is obstinate (this happens sometimes at my house) and we lose our temper. Maybe on Tuesday a neighbor or co-worker does something that annoys us and instead of focusing on the positive, we belittle him or gossip about him.
It’s just small things but they add up and our spiritual reserves slowly leak out.
The challenge for me is to remain strong throughout my day and week. To stay firmly on the Lord’s side of the line, keep his light burning bright inside of me, and keep my eye on my goals and the happiness that living right brings. The only way I know to do this is through constant reminders: always reading my scriptures and other uplifting materials, praying, associating with enlightening people, and rejoicing in the Lord as I go through each day.
Maybe if I consistently stay strong I’ll be able to resist not only that bowl of ice cream, but that desire to be judgmental. If I ever get there I’ll let you know!
Cami Checketts is a wife, mother to four boys, exercise scientist, and author. Please refer to her blog for more information –
Now Is the Time
May 31, 2019 by Cami Checketts
Filed under Christian Life, Health and Fitness
By Cami Checketts –
Do you struggle with procrastination like I do?
I often find myself putting off important things. Tomorrow I’ll study and ponder my Scriptures… instead of just reading them. Tomorrow I’ll make more time for fun and I’ll play with my boys longer than five minutes. Tomorrow I won’t eat a bowl of ice cream (but I really need one tonight!).
The Bible warns us not to put things off. “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light” (Romans 13:11-12, KJV).
And many wise people have spoken to us about it too:
- “Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” Thomas Jefferson
- “I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, let me do it now; for I shall not pass this way again.” S. Grellet
- “When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no, I’ll start tomorrow. Tomorrow is disease.” V.L. Allineare
The time to get healthy and fit is right now!
It’s great to make goals and to plan for tomorrow, but we need to live for today. I enjoy having a list of lofty goals, but if I don’t focus on today I’ll never accomplish any of them. Today I will eat in a healthy way. Today I will go visit my adopted grandma. Today I will respond with patience and love when my four-year old is flailing on the ground screaming for a donut.
It is easy to get overwhelmed if we think we have to do everything perfectly for the rest of our lives, but if we can take it one day at a time, it seems more manageable.
Today is the gift we’ve been given. For some, there might not be a tomorrow. Savor today. Make it great. Accomplish the things that are important and love the ones you’re with.
What are you going to do today that you have been putting off?
Cami Checketts is a wife, mother of four boys, exercise scientist, and author. –
Now Is the Time!
May 22, 2019 by Cami Checketts
Filed under Christian Life, Health and Fitness
By Cami Checketts –
I often find myself putting off important things. Tomorrow I’ll study and ponder my scriptures instead of just reading them. Tomorrow have more time for fun and I’ll play with my boys longer than five minutes. Tomorrow I won’t eat a bowl of ice cream (but I really need one tonight). Do you find yourself doing the same thing?
Let’s remember this in our brand new year: The time to get healthy and fit is right now!
Listen to all of these wise words on the subject:
“Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” Thomas Jefferson
“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light ” (Romans 13: 11-12 KJV).
“I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, let me do it now; for I shall not pass this way again.” S. Grellet
“When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no, I’ll start tomorrow. Tomorrow is disease.” V.L. Allineare
It’s great to make goals and to plan for tomorrow, but we need to live for today. I enjoy having a list of lofty goals but if I don’t focus on today I’ll never accomplish any of them. Today I will eat healthy. Today I will go visit my adopted grandma. Today I will respond with patience and love when my four-year old is flailing on the ground screaming for a donut (that only happened twice so far).
It is easy to get overwhelmed if we think we have to do everything perfectly for the rest of our lives, but if we can take it one day at a time it seems more manageable.
Today is the gift we’ve been given. For some there might not be a tomorrow. Savor today. Make it great. Accomplish the things that are important and love the ones you’re with.
Cami Checketts is a wife, mother of four boys, exercise scientist, and author.
The Priority Shift
May 14, 2019 by Cami Checketts
Filed under Christian Life, Health and Fitness
By Cami Checketts –
As we begin a new year, I always get excited to write a list of goals and envision how I’m going to improve myself and my family’s life throughout the year. But life changed at the Checketts’ home in 2010. I used to feel I was efficient and organized. I used to have a monthly goals and daily to-do lists and if I didn’t work towards each goal every day I would get frustrated with myself.
My fourth baby has recently changed all of that. My number one goal is to hold, love, and savor each moment with this chubby baby. If I don’t make it to the gym, turn on my computer, or fold the laundry, I don’t allow myself to obsess over my lack of ambition.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t have goals or write up a list of New Year’s Resolutions because those are extremely important and motivating things. We should always be trying to improve ourselves and the world around us. But sometimes we can go too far, get so wrapped up in the to-do list and forget about what’s most important. Maybe in our goal-setting this New Year we should make sure that some of those goals are focused on improving our spirituality and making it possible for us to slow down and focus more on family and those who matter most.
This is especially true if you and your family are overloaded with activities, going through a hard time at work or school or have health or family issues. Slowing down and focusing on the essentials will make it possible to accomplish the important things—things like scripture study, prayer, family meals, family activities and serving others.
I pray each of you will have a wonderful New Year and be able to accomplish the goals you’re setting for yourself while still focusing on what matters most.
Cami Checketts is a wife, mother of four boys, exercise scientist, and author. –
Enjoy the Season
May 7, 2019 by Cami Checketts
Filed under Christian Life, Health and Fitness
By Cami Checketts –
Tis the season to enjoy time with loved ones, reflect on the marvelous gift of our Savior’s birth, reach out a helping hand to those in need, and cuddle in front of the tree with hot cocoa and cookies. Christmas is a wonderful time of year filled with joyful moments, but often I find myself overindulging on treats and being lazy; and instead of feeling gleeful, I feel sick.
A few tips to keep us all happy and energized throughout the season:
1. Only eat something if it is truly a Christmas treat. Just because they make Oreos with red and green filling does not mean they’re an exclusive Christmas treat, but Aunt Abbie’s peppermint dessert? That’s worth savoring.
2. Turn on Christmas music and dance. My boys think Mom spinning to the Nutcracker is hilarious.
3. Go ice-skating, sledding, snow-shoeing or cross-country skiing. Try out a new sport. The variety is great for improving physical fitness and the challenge is wonderful for your mind.
4. Go for a walk outside. When the temperature is below 50 you burn more calories. It’s worth it to freeze the tip of your nose but if it’s so cold your eyelashes crystallize you’d better take it to the treadmill!
5. Bake your favorite treats, have a sample, then take them to all the neighbors. The visits will be more fun than the baked goods.
6. Enjoy your family and forget about everything else. Play with your kids. Read Christmas stories and thrive on their childlike joy. Snuggle up with your sweetheart and burn some calories kissing in front of the tree.
7. Focus on the Savior and following his example of love and service, the real reason we celebrate this blessed holiday, and the joy will continue throughout the new year.
Merry Christmas!
Cami Checketts is a wife, mother of four boys, author, and exercise scientist. Her latest novel, The Sister Pact, is in stores now.