‘RING’ in Your New Year
December 16, 2021 by Dawn Wilson
Filed under Humor, Stories
By Dawn Wilson –
I’ve been called a “ding-a-ling” because of my New Year’s tradition, but I don’t care. I don’t intend to stop any time soon! A few years ago, I decided to borrow the bells from Christmas and bring them into my New Year’s celebration to help me focus on lifestyle changes (not resolutions) that work for every year.
I use the acrostic R-I-N-G.
First is “R”—RELY on God. This isn’t always easy for this stubborn, independent woman. My dad wrote a scripture passage in the front of my Bible that is a constant reminder to rely on God: “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own…” (Proverbs 3:5-6, The Message). David said God was his Refuge and Fortress, and “on Him,” David said, “I lean and rely … in Him I confidently trust” (Psalm 91:2, Amplified). When I remember that God is in control and is a trustworthy Provider, I am more likely to rely on Him and look to Him for all I need.
Next is “I”—INVEST in Others. I want to spend time with family and friends and devote resources to show love and kindness, to encourage and serve them, and to help meet their needs. I can practice all the “one another” scriptures. I can enter into others’ lives emotionally too, rejoicing with them in good times and coming alongside to weep with them in tough circumstances (Romans 12:15).
Then there is “N”—NOURISH Yourself. Just as the Jews were instructed to care for the Temple of God, as a Christ-follower I should care for my body, God’s Temple on earth (1 Chronicles 29:1-5; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19-20; John 14:23). I can nourish my body by making wise, biblical choices that bring glory to God.
And finally, “G”—GROW and GO! I can be proactive. I can take my life up a notch in every area: mentally (2 Timothy 2:15), emotionally and socially (Matthew 22:37-40; John 13:3; 1 John 4:7, 18), and certainly spiritually (1 Peter 4:7; Philippians 4:8-9; 1 Samuel 15:22; 2 Peter 3:18). And as I allow God to transform my life, He will likely open new opportunities for me to minister to others in His power, not my own strength. I don’t change for myself; I change so I can get moving and be used by God.
So join me in my ding-a-ling tradition. Place little bells around your house to remind you to R-I-N-G in your New Year. Rely on God, invest in others, nourish yourself, and grow so you can go in God’s power; and by next New Year’s Day you will be amazed at how God has worked.
Reading the Bible Every Day
December 7, 2021 by Judy Davis
Filed under Humor, Stories
By Judy Davis –
Ever since my pastor preached a sermon on reading God’s Word through each year, it has been a challenge. After he preached on this topic, I started reading with the book of Genesis. It has not only blessed my life, but changed it!
I read a little each day using Bible Pathway’s simple 15 minute reading plan. Bible Pathway is a great guide to reading the Bible through by giving an excerpt of each daily Scripture that helps me to better understand what I read.
I soon realized there is always something new to comprehend. The Bible seems to come alive literally lighting up my day. The Words seem to jump off the page just when I need them. We can’t just read it, though. Once we have been enlightened by the Holy Scripture, we have a responsibility to act upon it. It’s important to meditate on what you are reading. It also helps to memorize the Word.
When we bought our new home several years ago, I purchased some pretty paintings with Scripture on them. I have pictures on the wall in each room of my home with God’s Word. It’s important to me for our home to be founded on the Bible. Yes, even the bathrooms have small paintings with Scripture. One of my favorites is my life verse: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV).
Some days I must make my self sit down and read the Bible. Other things start coming to my mind such as what to cook for dinner, what to wear, and where to go. It’s difficult to stay focused on what I am reading. Yet, this is one of the most important things I do each day. I have to stop and pray for my mind to receive what God would have me receive for the new day.
He already knows what the day holds, whether good or bad. Let’s make the New Year our best year ever by meeting God in His Word every day. When you do this, the next 12 months will be the most spiritually rewarding year of your life. You’ll never be the same!
It’s hard to believe it’s been 26 years since I first started reading the Bible through. My husband started a few years ago. We enjoy discussing what we are reading. We both look forward to beginning again in 2013!
Failure No More!
November 30, 2021 by Liz Cowen Furman
Filed under Humor, Stories
By Liz Cowen Furman –
Every year when the New Year rolls around and everyone is talking about New Year’s resolutions, I have felt compelled to join in. Over the years, I’ve had several. One year I was going to get in shape and lose a bunch of baby weight (my kids are all in their teens or 20s now so this was a day or two ago). I started out great; eating less, running or walking more. However, as the weeks went by and melted into months so did my resolve. Failure.
Another year I was going to stop eating sugar (oh yeah, right.) That only lasted until February with the next eat sugar until you drop holiday. Failure.
Yet another New Year found me determined to get organized. I am a piler; it is the plight of being a teacher I think. Do you know what a piler is? A person who has a pile for this project and a pile for that job is a piler. Mine are usually organized; at least I know where everything is. My husband would beg to differ however. Just as all the other resolutions failed so did this one.
After so many failures, in order to avoid being a failure, I quit making resolutions. Then a couple of years ago, our pastor suggested instead of all those other resolutions, as good as they might be, that we focus on our relationship with the Savior. Get a lined journal, he encouraged. Each morning open your Bible and start reading, looking for a nugget for you that day. Start in the Psalms. When you read something that really speaks to you, copy the verse and cite into your journal and write what you are thinking about or write a prayer asking God to help you get it or apply it or whatever fits.
So I did. An amazing thing happened. My quiet time and time spent in the Bible transformed from something I did mostly out of duty to something I look forward to every day. I can’t wait to crack open the Word and dive in every morning. Verses I’ve read a million times have come alive for me on a whole different level. (Proof that the Bible is a living document, like scripture claims). If I have to miss a day or two, (life happens sometimes); I just pick it back up and go forward. No guilt and no trying to make up the lost days, just going forward. It works! Instead of fulfilling a resolution or goal I grew in my relationship with my best friend Jesus. I guess you could say that instead of being a follower of Jesus I became a friend of His. Big difference.
If you are tired of all those failed resolutions like I was, try this one for 2013. See if you are as encouraged as I. Scripture promises that His Word never comes back void. I’m thinking this might be the only New Year’s Resolution I will ever make.
The End of the World?
November 25, 2021 by Kim Stokely
Filed under Humor, Stories
By Kim Stokely −
If you’re reading this post, it means the Mayans were wrong and the earth didn’t self-destruct on December 21st.
Whew. I was worried.
I hope you all enjoyed a blessed Christmas and didn’t let the threat of our ultimate demise cast a pall on your celebrations.
Honestly, I think the fact that Dick Clark died this year scared me more than all the Mayan calendar hoopla. I mean, can America really have a new year without Dick Clark? Can the Tiffany ball in Times Square fall without him?
My guess?
The fact is, the Mayans probably ran out of room on that big rock wall they were chiseling, that’s why the calendar ended. Or maybe it was the fact that Cortez had arrived in South America and wanted to steal all their gold. I think they may have had more important things on their mind at the time, like trying to survive. And as for Dick Clark, well, much as we hate to admit it, the world does not revolve around a single human being (a household, maybe. Not the planet!)
Why are we so fascinated by the end of the world? People spend a lot of time trying to break Bible Codes, Indian prophecies and the ramblings of Nostradamus in an effort to figure out how much time they have left on this earth. The History Channel runs “Doomsday” marathons during this season—shows about global warming, rogue asteroids, nuclear holocaust (because nothing says Happy Holidays like a good, worldwide plague.)
But God alone knows the time and day of His return. He determined the beginning of the universe and the start of life on this tiny, third planet from the sun. It’s up to Him to decide when it’s done.
Psalm 90:12 says, “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (NIV). The key is not to figure out how many days we might have left, but to make the most of the days we’re given. Worrying about the number and not how we live is like a kid who sits among his Christmas presents but never opens them because then he’ll have one less package. Me? I want to savor each present, each day, the Lord chooses to give me. I don’t want to leave one experience left unopened at the end of my life.
No Counterfeits
November 19, 2021 by Rhonda Rhea
Filed under Humor, Stories
By Rhonda Rhea –
When I was a kid, I always wondered why anyone would ever choose Frankenberry over Count Chocula. Because…chocolate. That was my entire reason. Of course, even though I was only a kid, I still instinctively knew that cereal chocolate didn’t really count as true chocolate. It was actually the first bite of Cocoa Krispies that tipped me off. It was more like: snap, crackle, I don’t think so.
I’m sorry, but I’ve just never been all that cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. I think it might be simulated. Simulated what, I don’t know. It doesn’t even smell right. It’s like a cross between old baby oil and sweetened aluminum. Spoiled, oiled or foiled—I don’t know that either.
Calling cereal chocolate real chocolate would be like calling cereal marshmallows real marshmallows. I know it’s supposed to be to a breakfast cereal’s credit when it stays crunchy even in milk, but I don’t think that’s supposed to go for the mallows. Whenever you bite down on a marshmallow, you shouldn’t be able to hear it. That’s just not right, people. They’re not marshmallows. It’s not chocolate.
Crumble Ho Ho’s in a bowl. Add milk. There’s your chocolate cereal.
There’s always disappointment in encountering the fake. So much more so when you’re talking about what is meant to distinguish us as Christ-followers. Jesus said in 1 John 13:35, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (ESV).
We’re called to love each other without anything counterfeit or artificial. Without hypocrisy. Without self-centeredness, secret agendas or ulterior motives. Self-seeking fake-love? It’s just not right, people. Because we’ve received the forgiveness of Christ, our love is to be sincere, deep, heart-felt—just as His is. “Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart” (1 Peter 1:22, NIV).
There’s no place for counterfeit love among those who know Christ. Only the genuine article will do. Paul said in Romans 12:9, “Let love be genuine” (ESV).
So how do we do that? We love the Lord first and foremost. We obey His commands and allow His Spirit to work out His love through us. Jesus said in Matthew 22:37-39, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself” (HCSB). And He will never command us to do something He won’t enable us to do.
Love is more than just an emotion. It’s the ability to sacrifice for another. Jesus lived and died showing us how to walk it out. “And walk in love, as the Messiah also loved us and gave Himself for us, a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God” (Ephesians 5:2, HCSB).
No weird aluminum smell. A fragrant offering. When we’re walking in His love, there’s simply nothing artificial about it.
Because…Jesus. That’s my entire reason.