Turbo Teaching

November 10, 2020 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous

By Hally Franz –

What do the terms “upper cut,” “speed bag” and “cross” all have in common? They are new moves that I am learning in the Turbo Kick class I recently joined. At this point, I must issue a disclaimer. I am not really a turbo-kick kind of girl. There is not one thing about me that screams “I can really throw a jab” or “check out my great bob and weave.” I don’t have a bob, a weave or any good boxing moves. Not yet, anyway…

Since I am coming clean about my lack of athleticism, I will also admit that it is much more in my nature to begin my day with a diet soda and a chocolate muffin, than it is protein and fruit juice. And, I am often tempted to skip the gym for other activities like laundry, reading my latest book club assignment, or volunteering at my children’s school. Like a kid sometimes, I don’t always do what is good for me.

Today, however, I was a good girl. I landed in class on time with several other women, and we worked hard for a full hour. As new moves were introduced and the pace grew more intense, our instructor encouraged us with enthusiastic shout-outs like “you got it,” “you feel good” and “you look good.” Initially, I was thinking that while Kelly looked good, I looked like a goof. But, as the class went on, I started to feel powerful, confident, and pleased that I’d tackled the class.

Great teachers do that for their students. They are excited about what they are doing, and they motivate reluctant learners along the way. When I think about my own children’s teachers, I am thankful for those who have shown a passion for learning. My favorite teachers challenge their students. They instill in them the knowledge that they can do wonderful things, and students feel proud of their accomplishments.

If my gym instructor can help this book-club gal to embrace boxing, what can the teachers of the Bible show us? If teachers can motivate students to win spelling bees and produce mind-blowing science projects, what might we be inspired to do when we examine the lives of Esther, Jonah and David? Here’s a quick 1-2. If we start our day with a lesson from His word, we will be much more empowered and confident as we seek to serve Him.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, guide my study so that I may learn from the real-life Bible heroes and 1st century Christians in Your word. Help me, in my 21st century life, to be motivated and inspired by their eternal examples of faith.

“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you” (Philippians 4:9 NIV).

Better Than a Sprinkle Cupcake

October 29, 2020 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous

By Elaine James –

With great anticipation, I held up the milk chocolate cupcake and bit into it. I have died and gone to heaven, I thought. My mouth was bursting with the rich taste of chocolate and the cake was unbelievably moist! Now I know why their ad reads “Sprinkles gourmet cupcakes are a deliciously sophisticated update on an American classic, handcrafted from the finest ingredients.” The Los Angeles Times even touted Sprinkles as “The progenitor of the haute cupcake craze.”

How did I end up at Sprinkles Cupcakes? I live in a suburb of Chicago and was having a mother daughter outing with both of my daughters to the city. After lunch at the famous Walnut Room, my daughters blurted out, “Let’s go to Sprinkles Cupcakes for dessert!” Of course, I had to be the coolest mom ever and make this the perfect day. Right?

I pulled up to the curb and my daughters jumped out with me yelling, “Get me milk chocolate!” as they disappeared into the bakery. I chose well, and after finishing the cupcake, I began to process what just occurred. We chose a famous over-priced cupcake bakery and ate the most wonderful sugary delight. But just like that, voila, done!

I soon began to wonder “when can we do this again? Is this how addictions start?” Guilt set in as I reflected on the starving people in Africa. I prayed and thanked God for being able to do such a crazy thing.

I thought of the rich man who Jesus asked to sell everything and follow Him. Could I give up cupcakes if God asked me to? Would I ever love cupcakes or anything else for that matter more than Him? I remembered the day I was teaching from Psalm 63:5 “I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you” (NIV). Those in the class shared of their mouth watering food experiences; then agreed that our undeserved love from God is mightier. We will literally die and go to heaven because of it.

Can you think of the richest food you ever ate? And how does that compare with the way Jesus longs to satisfy you daily? Talk to Him about it He can help you put things into perspective.

In the car that day I heard a strong and present voice. “Elaine, I gave you the cupcake that you loved, I like doing that for you. I know you know that the delight in the cupcake is temporary, but My love for you is for eternity.”

PRAYER: Thank You for sugary delights. I never want to love anything more than You. I need Your help daily.

“Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live” (Psalm 63:3 NIV).

Untidy Josephs

October 23, 2020 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous

By Elaine James –

Sitting in my kitchen having a cup of coffee with a friend, we discussed how boring we feel our family meal choices have become. She blurted out that when her Mom wanted to spice things up for their family, she would come up with funny names for sandwiches. One of her favorite names was “Untidy Josephs,” which is more popularly known as “Sloppy Joes.”

After my friend went home, I decided I would make “Untidy Josephs” for dinner. As I was making them, I reflected about Joseph in the Old Testament, and decided to use that name to write about the “Untidy Joseph” of the Bible.

Joseph’s life was far from being tidy. It was actually quite the opposite, it was rather untidy. He endured his brothers abusing him, being sold to slavery, falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife and then imprisoned. After years and years of chaos, he finally was given what God promised him: the favor from the king to help run a country. Truly, an amazing story!

Our lives also tell a story. In that story, our lives may become untidy, but it doesn’t always mean we have made a mess of it. It could just be God taking care of the details for the future. He wants to show His power and grace for the next generation. Joseph’s life lessons are valuable for us all. He taught us that honesty is the best policy, perseverance is worth pursuing and reminded us not to give up on our dreams.

What is going on in your life right now that seems “untidy”? Ask God to help you look at the “mess” His way.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, my life may get untidy at times, but I am grateful I have You to guide me.

“But Joseph said to them, ‘Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.’ And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them” (Genesis 50:19-21 NIV).


October 13, 2020 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous

By Robin J. Steinweg –

I cannot see ahead nor behind me. SUVs block the view from the windows of my little Ford Focus. I’m focused, all right; I have no choice. Inches to my left are construction posts. To the right, an eighteen-inch drop-off leers at me with jagged, concrete teeth. There were no orange safety barrels to bar my fall if I waver.

My grip on the steering wheel drains the pink from my knuckles. I’m squeezed between a disastrous drop and posts lined up like sentries waiting to whack scratches into my car if I get too close. And if I bump one, will I overreact and careen into the abyss on the opposite side? I’m forced to sit tight (literally) and follow the car in front of me. I hope it’s trustworthy to stay on the road!

I like wide, safe boundaries and a clear view when I travel. Not only on my roads, but through life. Yet there are times when, like pothole-ridden highways, my life needs redirecting and repaired. God shows me signs that I am once again under construction. I feel squeezed into a narrow space, no view ahead or behind, disaster on either side.

Road crews don’t want casualties. Neither does God. I can follow Him and trust that He hems me in, behind and before. He’ll guide me straight and true. I can relax my vise-grip.

PRAYER: Lord, You know the beginning from the end. You have a clear view. When I’m in that tight place, help me to trust You because You’re trustworthy.

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye” (Psalm 32:8 NKJV).

A Trip to the Boonies

October 1, 2020 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous

By Carin LeRoy –

The other week, I drove with my husband out to a remote location in the “boonies” of Florida to pick up a shipment for work. We grabbed the GPS, punched in the address and waited for the voice to prompt our turns. We arrived with ease.

On the way home, however, was a different story. When leaving, the GPS decided to die, and we were left to fend for ourselves to navigate the way home.

“Do you remember which way we turned? Was it left or right?”

“I’m not sure. I think it was left,” I said.


Twenty minutes later neither of us recognized anything or couldn’t find a road that led south. When we saw a sign pointing to New Smyrna Beach, we knew we were off track and turned around. Finding our way back was more challenging as we tried to remember the roads. After several missed turns, we finally made our way home the old fashioned way – by paying attention to road signs.

Let’s face it. We are a culture dependent on technology. If our GPS breaks, our computer crashes or our phone gets lost, we act like a two-year-old who lost their Mommy.

How would our lives as Christians be different if we were as dependent on God’s Word as we are on technology? How much pain and confusion would we spare ourselves if we became reliant on His direction and obedient to His voice? Instead, have we become distracted from hearing His voice, careless about meeting with Him in prayer and Bible reading, and consequently missed turns in our lives where He meant to bless us.

Let’s ask God to help us to evaluate the changes we need to make. God will never leave us to search alone, and His word is available each day to guide us. Let’s learn what it means to depend on God to lead us in the right direction. With His help, we can get there, with ease.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that Your Word is available for guidance. Help me to learn to depend on it, to read it and look to You for life’s direction.

“Your word is a lamp to walk by and a light to illumine my path” (Psalm 119:105 NET).

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