Are You A Christian Cheerleader?
March 15, 2025 by Cami Checketts
Filed under Christian Life, Health and Fitness
By Cami Checketts
I used to be a rah-rah. Yes, many years ago I donned a too-short skirt and pom-poms and cheered my team on to victory. That was back in the days when cheerleaders wore cheerleading uniforms that covered all their sides. Our group of rah-rahs firmly believed we were supporting our team. We were their good-luck charm. In our minds we were selfless creatures holding up the sidelines for the greater good.
As Christians, we are all called to be Christian cheerleaders. We take upon us the responsibility of lifting and loving everyone in our path. To get you in the spirit of Christian cheerleading, I have a couple of challenges for you today.
March 12, 2025 by Caro Jackson
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus
By Caroline T. Jackson
Friendships are a rare commodity in this fast paced world that we live in today. Gone are the days where you went to visit your neighbor to catch up on their life, their families and share your stories or concerns. Now we live with the computer which comes in all sizes and shapes, instant messaging, phones that allow us to text and take pictures, keeping us connected when we are miles away. The face to face contact has been reduced to brief moments that we try to fit into our calendar.
I just returned from a 3 day visit with five of my closest friends that I met in college. I have never lived in the same town with any of them but over 40 some odd years we have stayed connected and have made an effort to have that unique face to face contact as often as possible. It may have been just a lunch as I was passing through town or an overnight visit with one or more of them in their various homes but each time we just stepped back into that special relationship that develops when you are young and experiencing life.
The Key
March 11, 2025 by Bob Kaku
Filed under Christian Life, For Him
By Bob Kaku
Under crystalline blue skies, my wife, Gail, and I basked in the tranquility of St. John, US Virgin Islands. The warm, azure waters washed our feet as we waded through the gentle waves. The unhurried pace and friendly banter with the locals were a welcomed respite from our hectic California lives.
We drank in the spectacular vistas of Cruz Bay and the Caribbean from the veranda of our rented condo perched atop a steep hill. The balmy onshore breeze and melodic cadence of steel drums wafted in, making our stress float away. What a relaxing spot! Everything was perfect until . . .
One evening, we strolled down to the swimming pool, the perfect vantage point to view the glistening harbor lights on one side and the shimmering moonlit sea on the other. Periodic boat horns droned in the distance. After we sauntered back to our unit, I fished through my belt pouch and pockets for the key, but I couldn’t find it. All week I had used extreme caution putting the key back into my pouch. I peered through the kitchen window and saw the key sitting on the counter. “Oh, no! There’s no night manager. How will we get in?”
The Amazing Race
March 7, 2025 by Christine Thomas
Filed under Christian Life, For Her
By Christine Thomas
Lately my days have been an exercise in scheduling. With four children involved in sports, music, tutoring, rehearsals, and youth groups, not to mention the bustle of the holidays thrown in the mix, I spend so much time in the car that my right foot brakes and accelerates when I sit down to eat at home, although I usually grab a snack on my way out the door.
In between this endless shuttling to and from commitments and appointments, I make an occasional pit stop at home to throw in a load of laundry. Every day feels like a live TV show in which I’m an actor who must hit her mark or the program is thrown off track. Consequently my mind is always racing as I mentally contrive the order of each day.
When describing my harried life to a friend, she passed along a word of advice which helped her during one of life’s hyper-busy seasons.
Seasons And The Church
March 5, 2025 by Norma Vera
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus
By Norma Vera
I read an article by Kelly Bailey about the beauty that comes from the death of fall. I considered her concept and realized seasons speak volumes of Christ and His Church.
Spring comes gently stretching from her yearly nap with yawns of daffodils, and buttercups. Her anointing grace causes everything to bloom. The smells of Jasmine, honeysuckle, and orange blossoms fill the air. Releasing a mist of puppy love she sings, “O taste and see that the Lord is good!” All nature joins the chores as a new generation is born. With roars of laughter, she dances in the rain celebrating Life. When
finished she tags the hand of summer and goes to sleep.