Decisions, Decisions
March 16, 2025 by Teresa Lusk
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus
By Teresa G. Lusk
She got a call from his father, the one she dreaded receiving, but suspected she would one day receive based on her teen’s history. He said, “Guess where your son is at?”, and with certainty she answered, “In jail.” He was only seventeen with good grades, handsome good looks, but a weakness to pressures of his peer group.
With such a challenging economy, no luck in finding a job to purchase the desires of his fashion habits, the kid went out and stole some clothes from a store and got busted. Parents, angry as expected, but with a heavy heart, decided to let him do his time after serious debate. If they bailed him out, he would do it again or end up in the penitentiary later for greater offenses. The lesson needed to sink into his heart, mind, and soul, and his character needed to be shaped by a life lesson in self control, honesty, and integrity (Proverbs 19:18).
March 12, 2025 by Caro Jackson
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus
By Caroline T. Jackson
Friendships are a rare commodity in this fast paced world that we live in today. Gone are the days where you went to visit your neighbor to catch up on their life, their families and share your stories or concerns. Now we live with the computer which comes in all sizes and shapes, instant messaging, phones that allow us to text and take pictures, keeping us connected when we are miles away. The face to face contact has been reduced to brief moments that we try to fit into our calendar.
I just returned from a 3 day visit with five of my closest friends that I met in college. I have never lived in the same town with any of them but over 40 some odd years we have stayed connected and have made an effort to have that unique face to face contact as often as possible. It may have been just a lunch as I was passing through town or an overnight visit with one or more of them in their various homes but each time we just stepped back into that special relationship that develops when you are young and experiencing life.
Seasons And The Church
March 5, 2025 by Norma Vera
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus
By Norma Vera
I read an article by Kelly Bailey about the beauty that comes from the death of fall. I considered her concept and realized seasons speak volumes of Christ and His Church.
Spring comes gently stretching from her yearly nap with yawns of daffodils, and buttercups. Her anointing grace causes everything to bloom. The smells of Jasmine, honeysuckle, and orange blossoms fill the air. Releasing a mist of puppy love she sings, “O taste and see that the Lord is good!” All nature joins the chores as a new generation is born. With roars of laughter, she dances in the rain celebrating Life. When
finished she tags the hand of summer and goes to sleep.
March 1, 2025 by Jane Thornton
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus
By Jane Thornton
“Let’s make a pact.” My friend thrust her hand over the center of the table. Each of us layered our own hands over hers where they hovered above the soggy-lump remnants of an annihilated chocolate melting cake strewn across a plate. With great solemnity, we all took the pledge. “The diet starts . . . tomorrow.”
Easy to say with stomachs bloated by chips, salsa, onion rings, burgers, and, of course, chocolate.
Many people think I can’t relate to dieting woes. I have, after all, been comparatively thin most of my life. In fact, in junior high I suffered with being too skinny. I know, I know. Many of you are echoing the words of Tevia in Fiddler on the Roof, “May God strike me with such a curse, and may I never recover.”
God’s Bus
February 20, 2025 by Marty Norman
Filed under Family Focus
By Marty Norman
It’s 2010, a time for one of my favorite activities – making New Year’s resolutions – the time of year when we wipe the slate clean. In other words, we get back on the bus and begin the ride all over again.
I love wiping the slate clean. You’d think that after doing so for more than my share of years, I’d not be surprised my resolutions have such a short life span. I guess the New Year just comes around too often. Every time I look up it’s time to re-evaluate and take stock again. Does this bus never arrive at graduation?