Can I Start Over…Again…In 2010?
March 25, 2025 by Laurette Willis
Filed under Christian Life, Health and Fitness
By Laurette Willis
“Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness.” Isaiah 43:18
A new year and a new start. Perhaps you’ve talked yourself into believing this month will be like last month, or this year will be like last year. Maybe you have heard whispers in your ear that the mistakes you’ve made before will be repeated again. Someone may have told you, as was once said to me, “a leopard never changes its spots.” Did you know that’s in the Bible? It’s from Jeremiah 13:23.
Before I came to the Lord in 1987, I was that leopard who could never change her spots. I had so many “spots” on me that only the Lord Himself could see something salvageable beyond the spots and stains caused by a life of sin.
The Hair Cut
March 22, 2025 by George Dalton
Filed under Christian Life, For Him
By George Dalton
Have you ever seen one of those things that you just knew you could do? That almost cost you something important…like your marriage? Walking through a Wal-Mart recently I passed a display of electric hair cutting machines. I remember thinking, now how hard can that be? The economy is tight; we need to cut corners where we can.
Twenty minutes later I proudly marched through the back door from the garage. My wife turned and looked at me and asked, “What is that thing?”
Leadership Training from David’s Perspective
March 18, 2025 by Shae Hamrick
Filed under Christian Life, For Her
By Shae Hamrick
“Did you hear? They are letting another ninety-seven people go.” I nodded to Sue’s whisper at the lunch table. “Yes, and we may be next. Are you ready?” Fear didn’t grip my heart as it had in the past. I have been through several moves and changes in the last year in our department. The clouds of more changes loomed in the distance. I was preparing.
When the first rumors of change came through, I was no more equipped than the young shepherd boy named David must have been when servants pulled him from the field while watching his father’s sheep. David’s training started as he tended the sheep, played the harp to soothe them, guided them to green pastures, and killed attacking bears and lions. Through it all, his faith in God grew. But was he ready to be king when Samuel first anointed him? David must have felt much like I felt. A little panicked with no idea what to do next. David went back to shepherding. I returned to my tasks in the maintenance department of restoring services and helping customers.
Decisions, Decisions
March 16, 2025 by Teresa Lusk
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus
By Teresa G. Lusk
She got a call from his father, the one she dreaded receiving, but suspected she would one day receive based on her teen’s history. He said, “Guess where your son is at?”, and with certainty she answered, “In jail.” He was only seventeen with good grades, handsome good looks, but a weakness to pressures of his peer group.
With such a challenging economy, no luck in finding a job to purchase the desires of his fashion habits, the kid went out and stole some clothes from a store and got busted. Parents, angry as expected, but with a heavy heart, decided to let him do his time after serious debate. If they bailed him out, he would do it again or end up in the penitentiary later for greater offenses. The lesson needed to sink into his heart, mind, and soul, and his character needed to be shaped by a life lesson in self control, honesty, and integrity (Proverbs 19:18).
Are You A Christian Cheerleader?
March 15, 2025 by Cami Checketts
Filed under Christian Life, Health and Fitness
By Cami Checketts
I used to be a rah-rah. Yes, many years ago I donned a too-short skirt and pom-poms and cheered my team on to victory. That was back in the days when cheerleaders wore cheerleading uniforms that covered all their sides. Our group of rah-rahs firmly believed we were supporting our team. We were their good-luck charm. In our minds we were selfless creatures holding up the sidelines for the greater good.
As Christians, we are all called to be Christian cheerleaders. We take upon us the responsibility of lifting and loving everyone in our path. To get you in the spirit of Christian cheerleading, I have a couple of challenges for you today.