Leadership Training from David’s Perspective
March 18, 2025 by Shae Hamrick
Filed under Christian Life, For Her
By Shae Hamrick
“Did you hear? They are letting another ninety-seven people go.” I nodded to Sue’s whisper at the lunch table. “Yes, and we may be next. Are you ready?” Fear didn’t grip my heart as it had in the past. I have been through several moves and changes in the last year in our department. The clouds of more changes loomed in the distance. I was preparing.
When the first rumors of change came through, I was no more equipped than the young shepherd boy named David must have been when servants pulled him from the field while watching his father’s sheep. David’s training started as he tended the sheep, played the harp to soothe them, guided them to green pastures, and killed attacking bears and lions. Through it all, his faith in God grew. But was he ready to be king when Samuel first anointed him? David must have felt much like I felt. A little panicked with no idea what to do next. David went back to shepherding. I returned to my tasks in the maintenance department of restoring services and helping customers.
Slow Slide Into Sin
February 9, 2025 by Shae Hamrick
Filed under Christian Life, For Her
By Shae Hamrick
“Mom. The speed limit’s 40,” my daughter said as I sped down the street to take her to a friend’s. I was hurrying. I had been working on a project and was anxious to return in order to finish as much as I could today. She always asks to be driven somewhere when I’m in the middle of something. I sighed and slowed from 45 to 40.
Over the last several weeks, I have taken notice of my tendencies to push the boundaries of right and wrong. Listening to the news, I wonder about our nation’s tendency to change what is right and what is wrong. A bill was put forth to protect the sanctity of marriage, while at the same time, measures are being pushed to protect gay rights to employment under the hate crimes bill. Our freedom of speech, protected by the first amendment, is threatened in the same manner under the same bill.
When did it become wrong to have opposing positions and beliefs? To exercise our rights to them?
Lending A Hand When You’re Down And Out
January 29, 2019 by Shae Hamrick
Filed under Christian Life, For Her
By Shae Hamrick –
Being helpful when you yourself are hurting can be difficult. Every thought often returns to your own pain and suffering. Yet helping others is a balm for the soul.
Raising Godly Children
January 18, 2019 by Shae Hamrick
Filed under Christian Life, For Her
By Shae Hamrick
The notion of raising children brings fear to the hearts of some. Others charge right in, only to be bewildered later. Most already know that raising children is not for the lazy or faint of heart. Children will challenge even the strongest of persons.
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