Rooftop Revival

February 5, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family

Three-year-old niece Rachel asked her daddy if she could go up on the roof with him and walk around. Thinking he could appease her, he told her she would have to wait until she was seven. He figured no child would remember a promise that long, and no more mention was made of it …

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February 1, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous

Katy started the summer in no-man’s land. She was too old to stay in the children’s department of our church, but still feeling too young for the student ministries (ATTIC). No longer could she get by with answering “God” to Sunday School discussion questions. When we asked her to think and dig deep, she would say, “but I’m just a little girl.” We helped her realize she was allowed to have a thought in her head. No pat answers.

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I Didn’t Know

January 31, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous

I asked one of my students to be in a skit for an upcoming youth service for our church.

“Oh no. I’d be too scared.” Kara looked down.

“Do you get stage fright?” I sensed her timidity.

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January 25, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous

Looking to the left, I saw three people walking side by side, and crowds of people trailing behind. Looking to my right, I saw a mom pushing a stroller, with another child on a leashed harness. Behind her there were three more people, and then a gap before the next convoy of travelers.
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Let Go!

January 20, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship

Jazzy loves to “pretend-bury” treats for future enjoyment. She tucks her rawhide in the folds of her favorite blanket, and then pushes with her nose to “throw dirt” over the hole until she believes it is hidden from view. Other treats are “buried” in various corners of the house, waiting to be rediscovered by her at a later date. The best part is to watch her fuss over the burial process, and then to watch her retrieve the treat immediately, to be buried elsewhere or enjoyed in an instant gratification moment. With Jazzy, this process is all fun and games, but we humans practice a similar process that leads to our ruination.
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