Worship Defined
February 28, 2019 by Kathy Carlton Willis
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship
While attending a sacred music conference in San Antonio I contemplated the definition of worship. We heard every style of music available for the Christian today, from entertainment to worship. It included Southern gospel, black gospel, octavos, and praise and worship—we sampled it all! We especially enjoyed a singing group named “This Hope.” They sing a unique blend of a cappella and accompanied music. Their tight harmonies gave a fresh new take on old favorites. Because they were energetic and uplifting, we left feeling physically lighter, as if there was less gravity keeping us in touch with the earth—something only music can do. Read more
What is G-R-A-C-E?
February 22, 2019 by Kathy Carlton Willis
Filed under Daily Devotions, Personal Growth
I’ve been looking for grace for the past several years. Grace is something that fascinates me. The more I learn about grace, the more I realize how woefully lacking I am. Not that I lack God’s grace because I have found His grace is sufficient. What I am short of is BEING gracious. I am learning how to humble myself and surrender my needs through life’s lessons. There’s no such thing as a Christian having certain rights; I don’t deserve anything at all. This year is half over and I still hope to make progress when it comes to BEING gracious. I am drawn to people of grace. They don’t even realize they are exuding grace; it just flows naturally out of them. Read more
February 21, 2019 by Kathy Carlton Willis
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics
Little Johnny tossed a water balloon at Billy. A normal reaction from the teacher would be to reprimand Johnny, but this was not a normal day. Miss Jones cheered from the sidelines. Billy fell to the ground with laughter. The boys high-fived each other, and the next team lined up to enjoy this fun in the sun. Outdoor activities are common end-of-school-year events. Kids begin to daydream and plan what they will do for the summer. They are antsy during regular teacher sessions. Aware of this, teachers plan field trips and outdoor activities. Read more
Childlike Faith
February 12, 2019 by Kathy Carlton Willis
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship
Mr. Book was at the public library yesterday. Mr. Book is not a human, but rather a robot of a friendly book. Two-year old Wesley approached Mr. Book tentatively, and was greeted with “Hi, what’s YOUR name?” With daddy’s help, Wesley gave his name, and said that he was two years old. They had a sweet discussion, during which time Wesley stared in utter amazement at the creature before him. He left with excitement for picking up some books to take home and “read.” What Wesley didn’t know was that there was a kind gentleman positioned in another part of the room with a headset. He spoke to each young child as they entered the library. He made their visit a personal, individual, experience. Some walked away skeptical, others were afraid, but most were thrilled.
Kidnapped by GPS
February 11, 2019 by Kathy Carlton Willis
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous
Her name was Zelda. At least, I imagine her as a Zelda. Her voice sounded like one. She politely told the driver and his passengers what turn to take next, and how long until the next set of direction—even the estimated time of arrival.