Survivor Junkie

April 19, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship

By Kathy Carlton Willis –

Okay, I admit it. I’m a Survivor junkie! There’s just something about the challenges presented, as well as the rewards—and the raw nature of humanity—that piques my interest. Of course the beautiful scenery of the island also allures me. I’ve learned a lot about what makes people tick by watching this show.

Sadly, the baser sorts of humanity are sometimes represented in this series. We can see how people, left to their own devices, can turn on each other. On this show, competition and strategy are more important to the winning outcome than living by the Golden Rule. And it’s amazing how blind folks can be to their own faults, when viewers at home can plainly see their virtue deficits. Who do they think they are fooling?

In life, do you consider yourself a survivor? A real survivor finds a way to become stronger going through the same trials that might make someone else weaker. On the show, only those who forced themselves to eat, unappetizing as the food choices might be, competed strongly during the challenges. As Christians, we must make sure our power food comes in the form of God’s Word. Sometimes it is sweet like honey, but other times it is bitter like medicine.

Only by allowing God to not just be a part of your life, but be your life can you survive the harshest consequences. God will make sure you are provided for when you completely trust in Him. Technically, trust isn’t trust if it isn’t completely placed. There is no such thing as partial trust!

AUTHOR QUOTE: When it comes time for your tribal counsel experience, it won’t matter who votes you off the island. It won’t matter what you’ve done in the sun, but what you have done with the Son!

“But those who obey God’s word truly show how completely they love him. That is how we know we are living in him” (1 John 2:5 TLT).

Today’s devotional is by Kathy Carlton Willis, Christ-servant, wife to Russ, editor, publicist, certified CLASSeminars speaker and faculty member. Kathy Carlton Willis Communications encompasses her many passions. Kathy’s tagline captures her essence—Light & Lively: His Reflection/Her Laughter. Schedule Kathy for a speaking event or contact her firm for promotional assistance. KCWC gets jazzed shining the light on God’s writers and speakers.

How Beautiful

April 15, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship

By Kathy Carlton Willis –

When praise songs sing of Christ’s beauty, the words draw me in to imagine just how beautiful Jesus must have been while on this earth, and how beautiful He is to me today. And when I am drawn to a beautiful Christian, it is their radiant glow (which must be reflecting the beauty of Christ) that attracts me. Physical features fade in comparison. I want to be with a person who cherishes the Lord in a personal way!

I think this is what also draws me to Jesus. He is the one who can bring me to the Father. While on this Earth, He was completely focused on what the will of the Father was for His life. He knew what His purpose was—His special design. I gravitate toward believers who know what God wants for their lives; those willing to sacrifice everything else in pursuit of godly direction.

How beautiful is the sweet glow of mercy on the face of Jesus. How special are the arms held open wide, to welcome me to His side. How piercing are His eyes, penetrating me with His love and understanding. The mouth of Jesus shares both laughter and smiles of contentment. His Words beckon me.

I desire to worship Jesus in all of His beauty. We often forget how to truly worship. May we make our adoration known to Him. We must not hold back for fear of intimacy! Only when we are drawn to Him can we know Him. When we are drawn to new friends in Christ, we must drop our walls of inhibition to really know and be known of them. Equally so, when we seek Jesus, we must throw aside any weight that hinders our journey, and run to Him.

I can scarcely fathom what it will be like when I see my Savior face to face. How overjoyed will I be, yet how humbled! I am determined not to wait for my heavenly graduation to worship Jesus.

QUOTE: “Oh, come let us adore Him!” —Songwriter, John Wade c. 1743

“Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the light of your presence, Lord,” (Psalm 89:15 NLT).

Today’s devotion is by Kathy Carlton Willis, worshipper, wife to Russ, editor, publicist, certified CLASSeminars speaker and faculty member. Kathy Carlton Willis Communications encompasses her many passions. Kathy’s tagline wraps it all up—Light & Lively: His Reflection/Her Laughter. Schedule Kathy for a speaking event or contact her firm for promotional assistance. KCWC gets jazzed shining the light on God’s writers and speakers.

What Will You Fall For?

April 7, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship

By Kathy Carlton Willis –

I couldn’t believe my eyes as I witnessed five deer running across the church parking lot in Taylor, Michigan. They moved with grace as if there wasn’t a care in the world. I stopped in my tracks to watch them. My mind flashed back to my childhood when Dad allowed us to go with him to prepare a country place for deer hunting. I never liked the thought of killing Bambi, but I loved being surrounded by the autumn scenery. We kicked through piles of golden leaves while other trees still blazed with color. Fallen leaves became forts as we transformed into armies at war. Imagination was the game of the day.

To this day, autumn is one of my favorite seasons, when trees seem to be sun-kissed with balls of fire. Intense reds and burnished gold paint the skylines. The air is crisp and the sun sets early. I can’t wait until next month, when the ground will be blanketed with fallen leaves.

Just as leaves fall down in autumn, we should naturally fall down before our Lord. We might as well practice for what we will be doing in Heaven! One praise song describes that day: “We fall down, we lay our crown at the feet of Jesus. The greatness of His mercy and love at the feet of Jesus…”

Today, thinking about the greatness of God’s mercy leads me to fall down before His face. And while I’m falling before His face, I will thank Him for this coming fall season. I’ve fallen, and I won’t get up until I know I’ve met with God!

We have learned in this world, to not fall for anything or we will get kicked while we are down. Instead, we need to surrender our independent spirits and learn to put our faith in God alone.

AUTHOR QUOTE: What will you fall for?

“As the hart [deer] panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God” (Psalm 42:1, KJV).

Today’s devotion is by Kathy Carlton Willis, wife to Russ, member of Christian Humor Writers, editor, publicist and a certified CLASSeminars speaker. Kathy Carlton Willis Communications encompasses her many passions.  Learn more about how she reflects Christ as she shines the spotlight on others at: or

Rest in Peace

By Kathy Carlton Willis –

Shh—don’t tell anyone I said this, but—I slept really well last night because Russ happened to be out of town. Yep, I said it! I sleep better when I’m “sleepin’ single in a double bed” (well actually a queen size)! I do less tossing and turning, and do more of the deep slumber needed for restorative sleep.

You may ask, “Kathy, that’s all fine and good, but I thought I was going to read an inspirational message today. What does your sleep pattern have to do with my spiritual life?”

I think there are several thoughts for us to consider today. As seen in today’s verse, Jesus promises rest from our labor and our burdens when we come to Him.

Unfortunately, sometimes we bring things to bed with us that hinder our sleep—like our worries and concerns. Our minds are consumed with thoughts not conducive to rest. We bring our anger or our hurt feelings, and lick our wounds rather than seeking rest for our souls. When we bring something with us, to try to come to Jesus, we won’t find rest. It’s a form of rest, but not the good restorative sleep like when we leave it all behind.

Rest is defined as: freedom from activity or labor; peace of mind or spirit; a rhythmic silence in music; something used for support; free of anxieties. When I look over that definition, and realize Jesus promises rest, I yearn for it. I long for Him to give me even more peace of mind, and freedom from activity.

Curious that the definition also includes the musical term “rest.” It means a silence or pause. I like that. Jesus can silence the thoughts and feelings whirling around in my head. I realize I have to do my part in creating the environment for that to take place. I wonder what my wandering thoughts would do if I barked out the order, “Silence!”

Would my thoughts shake in their little boots or would they laugh at me and say, “You don’t really mean it!”

AUTHOR QUOTE: Let your thoughts and attitudes know you mean business. Drop all your bags at the door, as you run into the arms of your loving Savior.

“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28, KJV).

Today’s devotional is by Kathy Carlton Willis, with a communications firm by the same name. She spins many plates as a publicist and writer. She belongs to Christian Humor Writers, CLASSeminars and the local plate-spinners union. Learn more about how she shines the spotlight on others at: or

Sailing on the Ships of Life

April 3, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics

By Kathy Carlton Willis –

We are all sailing on the ships of life as we journey to our Heavenly destination. The key to success is realizing that it takes more than a good wind to get us there! There is a song sung by children, about these ships. It gave me a seed thought for this article.

RelationSHIPS: All of us have relationships. The first group of people we have relationships with are our relatives. How we get along with our parents, our spouses, our children and our extended families is a key ingredient to happiness. The book Five Love Languages gives good insight regarding communicating with people by speaking in their love languages. We also have relationships with those we aren’t related to. How do you get along with your in-laws? Your co-workers? Your fellow church-members? Your neighbors?

FriendSHIPS: Once I led a friendship study with other women. We met during our lunch hour every other week to discuss thought-provoking questions from Dee Brestin’s study, The Friendships of Women. We realized that most people have been burned by at least one friendship in the past, and often hide in their comfort zones because of this. But if we want a fulfilled life, it is essential to step out of our comfort zones and develop friendships at deeper levels than we presently have. This might mean reaching out to new friends or strengthening existing friendships.

HardSHIPS: No life is exempt from hardships. I believe trials make a person who he or she is. A person with an easy life might not have an opportunity to develop rich character traits and virtues. It’s not wise to try to avoid struggles and strife. The Bible even says we should count it all joy when we are going through hard times. There are many kinds of hardships, including finances, health, relationships and more. What will you allow your trials to make of you?

LordSHIP: The key to sailing through life in these ships is to realize one thing, and that is the principle of making Jesus Christ LORD of our lives. I’m not just talking about living your own life and adding God to it. I mean allowing God to be your Master. We must ask Him to mold our lives and lead us as we sail through life. By letting God guide your ship, when you hit the storms in life, you will discover the calm assurance of the Peace Speaker.

AUTHOR QUOTE: Where will you go as you sail on the ships of life? No matter where it takes you, may God be your Captain.

“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience” (James 1:2-3, KJV).

Today’s devotion is by Kathy Carlton Willis, wife to Russ, member of Christian Humor Writers, editor, publicist and a certified CLASSeminars speaker. Kathy Carlton Willis Communications encompasses her many passions.  Learn more about how she reflects Christ as she shines the spotlight on others at: or

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