Christmas Carols

April 29, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship

By Kathy Carlton Willis –

I don’t know about you, but for me, Christmas celebrations would not be complete without music. I love hearing Christmas songs in stores while shopping. The music uplifts me and it feels like I’m floating on air—transported to a different time and place without problems and trials.

At home I dig out all of my Christmas music. They include Windham Hill and Manheim Steamroller. I also have a peppy “Christmas on the Border” CD featuring Texas Blues, Hot Country, and Mexican Salsa-style Christmas tunes! And of course I have many of my favorite artists’ Christmas albums.

Churches also celebrate this sacred holiday with music. Most of our services have Christmas hymns and Christmas specials. Our children perform Christmas musicals. Children, music, and Christmastime—all of my favorite things!

I find myself humming Christmas tunes throughout the season and longing for an opportunity to join a group in Christmas caroling. I started caroling as a Girl Scout in third grade, and have caroled in some fashion almost every year since then.

Christmas music was a part of that very first Christmas. The angels sang, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” I can’t even imagine what it was like to hear the angelic choir as they sang. But we can sing a different kind of song than the angels. The angels knew the Christ-child as the Son of God who dwelled in heaven prior to His earthly birth. But we can know the Son of God as our personal Savior, something the angels will never know.

Don’t you think that gives all of us something to sing about? Joy to the world, the Lord has come!

PRAYER: Author of Christmas, sing Your songs into my heart that I might sing Your songs to others this holiday season and throughout the coming year.

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14 KJV).

Today’s devotional is by Kathy Carlton Willis, Christ-servant, wife to Russ, editor, publicist, certified CLASSeminars speaker and faculty member. Kathy Carlton Willis Communications encompasses her many passions. Kathy’s tagline captures her essence—Light & Lively: His Reflection/Her Laughter. Schedule Kathy for a speaking event or contact her firm for promotional assistance. KCWC gets jazzed shining the light on God’s writers and speakers.

Attitude of Gratitude

April 26, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics

By Kathy Carlton Willis –

Thanksgiving Day, as celebrated in the United States, is today. What a great way to kick off the holiday season leading up to Christmas! One of the greatest reasons of all to give thanks is because we have the gift of Christ from our Heavenly Father. God’s unconditional love allowed Him to give up what He held most dear, His perfect Son, to provide a way of salvation for His created humanity. What better timing then, for Thanksgiving and Christmas to go hand in hand.

When we think about it, we must admit, we are so blessed. Even families enduring great hardships can find something for which to be thankful. In fact, it is an attitude of gratitude which will transform a downcast spirit into a countenance radiating joy. Others may not even realize the trials you are enduring because your shoulders are not weighted down and there’s still a spring in your step. Happiness depends on happenings, but joy comes when we focus on all the reasons we have to be grateful.

I know at least two families who read their calendars wrong and celebrated Thanksgiving last week. At first, I laughed at their silly mistake. But then I couldn’t help but realize there is nothing wrong with wanting to hurry up Thanksgiving. In fact, it is one holiday that could change our world, if each of us would have an attitude of gratitude all year long.

Just think what a transformation would take place if we were all thankful. Thankful for our salvation, we’d tell others about Christ. They would become thankful for the gift and have their own spiritual birthday. Thankful for God’s provision, we would share our provisions with those in need. Thankful for friendships, we would get along better with others. Appreciating our families more, we would spend more time together. Grateful for our jobs, we would become the best employees possible.

Can you see how developing an attitude of gratitude could transform our world? It wouldn’t just become a positive place to live. It would become a Christ-filled world.

AUTHOR QUOTE: May this Thanksgiving Day start your own gratitude revival!

“And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow Him. Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness” (Colossians 2:6-7 TLT).

Today’s devotional is by Kathy Carlton Willis, Christ-servant, wife to Russ, editor, publicist, certified CLASSeminars speaker and faculty member. Kathy Carlton Willis Communications encompasses her many passions. Kathy’s tagline captures her essence—Light & Lively: His Reflection/Her Laughter. Schedule Kathy for a speaking event or contact her firm for promotional assistance. KCWC gets jazzed shining the light on God’s writers and speakers.


By Kathy Carlton Willis –

No, it’s not a typo! Rather than celebrating Thanksgiving once a year, let’s show our gratitude by Thanksliving. Thanksgiving can be a reminder for Christians to daily count our many blessings. As the old song goes, do we really name them one by one? If I were to journal my blessings, I could not find a book large enough to contain the list.

Our Lord enjoys our praises. Psalm 92:1 (KJV) says, “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord.” God inhabits praise, meaning He is in the midst of praise. How often do we just take Him for granted?

My pastor shared a quote from Shakespeare that says, “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth is an ungrateful child.” He compared the serpent to the devil and the ungrateful child to God’s children who neglect to thank and praise their Heavenly Father. This really hits home. American children have been accused of developing a sense of entitlement. They believe they have a right to receive certain things regardless of whether they act responsibly or show appreciation. Perhaps we, as God’s children, are also guilty of feeling entitled to His blessings. Thankfully, He loves us in spite of our shortcomings. When we realize it is because of who He is, rather than who we are, we can come to Him just as we are and thank Him for the many showers of blessings.

AUTHOR QUOTE: So, this Thanksgiving, I’m going to work more on living a life of thankfulness. Then, I will be ThanksLIVING.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17 KJV).

Today’s devotional is by Kathy Carlton Willis, Christ-servant, wife to Russ, editor, publicist, certified CLASSeminars speaker and faculty member. Kathy Carlton Willis Communications encompasses her many passions. Kathy’s tagline captures her essence—Light & Lively: His Reflection/Her Laughter. Schedule Kathy for a speaking event or contact her firm for promotional assistance. KCWC gets jazzed shining the light on God’s writers and speakers.

A Chronic Fixer

April 23, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship

By Kathy Carlton Willis –

As I watched a movie the other day, a quote embedded in my mind. To paraphrase, the character said, “Sometimes things need to stay broken. It’s not up to you to fix everything. Your job is to let it stay broken for now.”

That struck a chord with me because I’m a chronic fixer. If I see something that’s not right, I try to solve the problem and make things okay. If someone has a relationship problem, I become the mediator. If there are conflicts, I take on the role of peacemaker. If someone has a physical need, I am the self-appointed provider to meet that need.

All of that sounds good until I realize that I often jump ahead of God and just fix something without asking God if it is my job to repair it. That movie showed me that sometimes we learn more through the brokenness than we do when things are A-okay.

I heard myself saying the other day, “But I just don’t want to see them suffer.” Another Christian reminded me that the Bible speaks about suffering as if it is something with which the believer becomes greatly acquainted during his life journey. Suffering sometimes delivers a testimony of God’s grace, and sometimes it is a schoolmaster of what is important to God. We learn better through suffering, about the heart of God, than we do when things are hunky-dory. And we communicate more with God when we are in a broken place in our lives. So, it’s okay for some things to stay broken for a while. It’s not my job to fix everything. Only God can mend the wounds of a broken heart.

QUOTE: “In my brokenness ~ In my hour of darkness ~ I will lift my hands ~ And worship You ~ In my brokenness ~ In my time of sadness ~ I will lift my voice ~ And praise to You ~ Time stands still ~ As I kneel down before You ~ Life draws near ~ Like waves upon the shore ~ You touch me ~ In my brokenness ~ In these whispering shadows ~ I will lift the pieces ~ Of my heart to You.” Lyrics by David Meece from song, “Brokeness.”

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed” (Psalm 34:18 TLT).

Today’s devotional is by Kathy Carlton Willis, Christ-servant, wife to Russ, editor, publicist, certified CLASSeminars speaker and faculty member. Kathy Carlton Willis Communications encompasses her many passions. Kathy’s tagline captures her essence—Light & Lively: His Reflection/Her Laughter. Schedule Kathy for a speaking event or contact her firm for promotional assistance. KCWC gets jazzed shining the light on God’s writers and speakers.

Brain Fry

April 22, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics

By Kathy Carlton Willis –

Ever had one of those brain-fry moments when nothing new can be learned or decided upon and nothing old can be recalled? I’m having one of those episodes right now. Lord, I’ll be 48 soon. I know you can teach an old dog new tricks, but I do need a little extra assistance!

What do you do when you feel like you’ve hit the wall and you can’t focus on any more tasks? Do you allow yourself time for a diversion? Watch mindless television? Take a walk or a bath and zone out? How do you free some space in your mind’s hard drive so you can function with greater speed and ability?

I am doing all the tips the magazines suggest in those “Top 7 Ways to Improve Brain Power” articles. I’m getting plenty of sleep and eating healthy. I’m dealing with stress in positive ways. I have surrounded myself with a good support system. I’ve deleted negative distracters from my life and delegated tasks to others. I’ve even discovered which hours are my “brain surge” hours, and I work my most difficult mental tasks during that time period.

Right now I’m taking a breather from some assignments to write this article. Sometimes just changing gears like this helps. But I’ve also taken the time to pray and ask God to assist me. I know I can’t do it on my own. The Bible says if any lacks wisdom, we just need to ask for it. Ask for it I will! The best part is, this isn’t just for any old wisdom, but godly wisdom—even wisdom to read and understand the Bible-God’s Word.

Next time you are feeling overwhelmed and can’t focus any more, take a five-minute mini-vacation and visit the throne room of God. There’s nothing like talking to Royalty to put things in perspective.

Then, get back to work! And with those words…I will too.

PRAYER: Father, when my mind is saturated with thoughts and information and feelings, help me to focus on You and let all else fade away. Then slowly bring one task into focus so I can work undistracted. Not for my own success, but so I can glorify You with my work.

“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking” (James 1:5 TLT).

Today’s devotional is by Kathy Carlton Willis, Christ-servant, wife to Russ, editor, publicist, certified CLASSeminars speaker and faculty member. Kathy Carlton Willis Communications encompasses her many passions. Kathy’s tagline captures her essence—Light & Lively: His Reflection/Her Laughter. Schedule Kathy for a speaking event or contact her firm for promotional assistance. KCWC gets jazzed shining the light on God’s writers and speakers.

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