God’s Power and Majesty Demonstrated in Nature

January 1, 2023 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Gillis Killam –  

I remember as a child living in New Brunswick, that my Dad purchased an old CN train station with living quarters, a waiting room, and a baggage room. The tracks had been moved to another location, and my father moved our family into this old station. The baggage room had a large door that opened to the tracks which had previously passed close to the station, and baggage had been picked up and dispersed through this door. The door had a large overhang where I would sit in the open door shielded from the rain and wind and watch a storm.

When a thunder and lightning storm came up there would be calm before the first thunder clap and then there would be a blinding flash of lightning that filled the sky and surroundings. Again another earth shaking thunderclap; and so it continued until the storm was over. I was so awed by this, and terror would strike me for a moment. Feeling the greatness of the storm, I would sit there quietly and wait until it all ended.

As I read Psalm 29 it brings to my mind the terror that would strike me for a moment, causing me to feel the awesomeness of the storm. Was this God showing His power?

David must have had something like this in mind when he wrote this Psalm of praise to Mighty God. He visualized large trees being split and the trunk of the large cedars of Lebanon lying wide open. He saw this as the voice of God. He also observed it in the desolation of desert, and among the animals. God was even enthroned over the floods. He said, “The voice of the LORD twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. The LORD sits enthroned over the flood; the LORD is enthroned as King forever. The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace” (Psalm 29:9-11 NIV).

This comforts me because He has been my God since I was very young, and I know that my life is in His strong hands.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands…Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world” (Psalm 19:1, 4 NIV).

The Wonder of It All

December 5, 2022 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Gillis Killam –

While waiting in the examination room of my eye specialist, I was awed by a colored graphic of the human eye. I studied it for a moment and was astounded at the intricacy of the creation of the eye. I wondered how anyone could deny the existence of a Master Mind that made this amazing organ that can send millions of pictures and messages to the brain that ensures I see where I’m going, that I can be alert to danger, and causes me to appreciate the wonders of God’s creation all around me.

So often I take the things of God for granted; just as Job who complained about things he knew nothing about. Sometimes I forget the wondrous life I have, being part of God’s glorious plan of salvation, and all the benefits that come with it. Job’s response to God’s inquiry shows me that I know so little of the awesomeness of God in His creation, and human life on this planet.

When I think that all this creation of the heavens and earth, the animals, plant life, man, and the intricacy of the system that God has put in place, and how it is all held together, I marvel at His great power.

We read in Colossians, “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth…all things have been created through him and for him” (Colossians 1:16 NIV).

The human body is a fantastic work of the Creator. Why should I ever question anything, or take all of this for granted?

When Job was questioned by God he acknowledged his insignificance and how little he knew. Acknowledging the wonder, knowledge and power of The Almighty, he surrendered to God’s will, without question. He repented for the questions he had levelled at God.

When I get a glimpse of the Creator’s work in the human body, and in the mountains and the forests, I too feel I need to repent of any questions.

PRAYER: O Lord, Creator of all things, I thank you for speaking to me through your creation and causing me to bow in adoration. O the wonder of it all that you should love even me! AMEN

The Treasures of the Snow

November 30, 2022 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Gillis Killam –

When the first snow fell this year I was not happy that summer and fall were over. However, God has seasons in their order for a purpose. I might question the seasons, but when I looked out the window and saw the beautiful sparkling white snow, I remembered God’s query of Job in Job 38:22, when He questioned Job’s comprehension of the world around him. There were so many things that Job didn’t understand.

God said, “Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow?”(Job 38:22 KJV) Another translation: “Have you entered the storehouses of the snow or seen the storehouses of the hail” (Job 38:22NIV).

God is not referring to the composition of the snow, as complicated and interesting as it might be, He is speaking about the way God uses snow for His purposes along with the hail and lightning. God is saying He has a way of reserving these elements of nature to fulfill His purpose in judging those who oppose His will.

I understand that Napoleon lost his final battle with the Russians partly because of the snow and harsh winter. When God wanted to bring judgment He used snow, rain, hail and lightning to accomplish His purpose.

It is recorded in the Old Testament that God thwarted the enemies of Israel through water, flood, fire and earthquakes. Remember God’s judgment on Egypt in Exodus, where there is a vivid description of God’s use of natural forces to bring judgment on Pharaoh (Psalm 105:23-33).

Today with so many disasters of nature happening around the world, society doesn’t seem to get this concept. Instead, they criticize and blame God for these storms rather than hearing what God might be saying.

“He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’ So that everyone he has made may know his work, he stops all people from their labor” (Job. 37:6-7 NIV).

It is interesting that when God speaks about the completeness of cleansing from sin He says, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18 NIV).

PRAYER: O God my Creator, help me to learn from the snow and the storms, just what you are speaking to me.

Through Life’s Troubled Journey

November 27, 2022 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Gillis Killam –

Like all grandparents, we pray for each one of our children and grandchildren, not only because we love them, but because we want them to know the presence of God is with them. We never stop praying for them.

Not long ago, one of our grandsons, Hudson, found out that he was diabetic. We were devastated by the news because Hudson is only 12 years of age. Everything seemed fine until his Mom realized something was wrong. He was sent to the specialist in Saskatoon where they stayed for several days to get his blood sugar down. His A1C had been 22, which is very high. Now he has to be vigilant and make sure he is eating right and taking his insulin. Quite an adjustment for a young man!

When I think of him spending the rest of his life watching his diet and taking the needle twice a day, I pray God will help him to draw near to Him, and that a miracle of healing could happen.
Being diabetic myself, I know what is ahead for him unless a new cure is found.

What seems to be a catastrophe may turn out to be a great blessing in his life and family. This is the part of life’s journey where he needs to trust God. Nothing happens in our lives as Christians but that God has some reason for allowing it. I know God can heal him, and this we pray for, but should it not happen right now, we are confident Jesus is “watching over him”.

One reason we know, is that He desires us to know where real help comes from. What comfort it is to know that the One who made heaven and earth is watching over us day and night.

“The LORD watches over you—the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore” (Psalm 121:5-8 NIV).

I pray every day for Hudson that through this journey of life he will know where to look for help and know that God cares and watches over him.

Prayer: I thank You, Maker of heaven and earth that you are with us through life’s entire journey.

Songs in the Night

October 30, 2022 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Gillis Killam –

Recently I read of two people who lost loved ones in two separate plane crashes. They were sharing their grief experiences with each other; how they had sleepless nights, wondering why this happened. I can’t really comprehend their grief because this has never happened to me; but they identified with each other’s grief and were able to bring comfort one to the other.

I do know what sleepless nights are, but for different reasons. Psalm 77 says that David knew about this, too, and wrote of it in the inspired Word which encourages us. He complained to the Lord in this Psalm, stretching out his untiring hands, groaning, with his soul, refusing to be comforted. His spirit grew faint and he was too troubled to speak. His questions are like ours, “Will the Lord reject forever? Will he never show His favor again?” It seemed His love had vanished forever.

David reflected on the days gone by, and the songs he had in the night that declared the mighty power of God. He mused about the miracles of the past and how Moses and Miriam sang of deliverance from Egypt. He also pondered how through the forces of nature God worked His miracles, parting the sea, the rains pouring down on the earth, the whirlwind, and the lightning. Then he said, “You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron” (Psalm 77:20 NIV). The gentleness of the shepherd is seen in this statement; that he understood what he was experiencing and truly cared for him.

Charles H. Spurgeon said in one of his sermons that people are often looking here and there in their distress, “But none saith where is God my Maker, who giveth songs in the night?” (Job 35:10 KJV). Spurgeon said, we shall, however, leave that inquiry, and dwell upon those sweet words, “God my Maker, who giveth songs in the night.”

Situations often seem worse in the darkness of night, but God is the one who gives us peace in the midst of unspeakable tragedy. Also, in these dark hours He desires to speak to us deeply, and put a song of praise in our hearts.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge” (Psalm 19:1-2 NIV).

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