The Hair Cut

March 22, 2025 by  
Filed under Christian Life, For Him

By George Dalton

Have you ever seen one of those things that you just knew you could do? That almost cost you something important…like your marriage? Walking through a Wal-Mart recently I passed a display of electric hair cutting machines. I remember thinking, now how hard can that be? The economy is tight; we need to cut corners where we can.

Twenty minutes later I proudly marched through the back door from the garage. My wife turned and looked at me and asked, “What is that thing?”

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A Blind Man’s Story

February 27, 2025 by  
Filed under Christian Life, For Him

By George Dalton

Barnabus and Sara were in love, he saved his money to pay the price for his bride, now they were married. Life was wonderful he’d served as an apprentice to the cobbler and tanner, now he owned his own shop. He was a businessman, and Sara was in love with him. One day he came home from work and Sara met him at the door. He could see the excitement in her eyes,

“What is it my darling?”

“We’re going to have a baby, I saw the midwife today, and she agrees, we’re going to have a baby.”

He started to grab her up and swing her around the room, then thought, OH I can’t do that anymore. “That is wonderful my darling, if it’s a boy he can grow up strong and become an apprentice in my shop. If it’s a girl she’ll be beautiful like her mother.” Sara said, “We must tell our parents they are soon to be grandparents. My papa will love being a grandfather, my mother will be making baby clothes by tomorrow.”  “ It is sad that my papa didn’t live to see his first grandchild,” Barnabus said, “but my mama’ll be excited.”

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Wrong Door

January 8, 2025 by  
Filed under Christian Life, For Him

By George Dalton

On a recent trip I must have eaten something that didn’t agree with me.  So when my plane landed at the Dallas Fort Worth Airport, I raced off the plane and headed for the nearest restroom.  Lucky for me there was no line, so I ran right into an open stall.

I was feeling better when, all at once, my reverie was interrupted by someone opening the stall door next to mine. I was about ready to leave when I happened to look down at the space under the stall partition and I saw a pair of high heel shoes. My first thought was that I didn’t want to embarrass the poor dear, so when I leave, I will leave quietly and she will not realize she is in the wrong restroom.  Before I could get the door open, someone opened the door on the other side and, OH MY GOSH; there was another pair of high heels.

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Hay Story

November 5, 2024 by  
Filed under For Him

By George Dalton

Five years ago my father died after a long illness and went home to be with the lord.  At his funeral I met a cousin that I had not seen since we were boys fifty years ago. You know how you do when you see someone that you were once close to,  “Give me your phone number; here take down my number.” 

 My wife and I had a ranch in East Texas.  We sold all of the cattle and equipment and moved to a large city.  Part of our ranch was on four hundred acres of leased land where we had several large bales of hay left in the field from the year before. The owner asked me to make sure that it was removed.  I contacted a neighboring rancher and asked him if he could help me get rid of the old hay. We agreed to meet back at the ranch one morning a week after my father’s funeral.  While driving to the ranch, my cell phone rang.  It was my long lost cousin.   He said, “I am over drawn at the bank and if I don’t get a thousand dollars today, I will have checks bouncing all over town.”  I told him I was on the way to the ranch and would call him as soon as I got back.  As soon as he hung up I thought of Gideon and his fleece. So I started to pray, “Dear God I don’t know this man anymore.  Is he a drug addict, an alcoholic, a gambler? Father I don’t know him but you do, so please give me a sign telling me if I should give him the money he wants or not.”

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The Patient Can Be Saved

March 1, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, For Him

By George Dalton –

Unless you have been living in a cave on some deserted island, you are aware that our country is in trouble. Our economy is at best flat.  You know, when a patient in the hospital drama shows on TV goes flat line, everybody jumps into gear to rescue him.   If you could watch a monitor on our country we are getting dangerously close to flat line. Read more

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