July 29, 2022 by Elaine James
Filed under Daily Devotions
By Elaine James –
“Faith, get on your mat!” I yelled at the dog.
She ran to her mat, sat down and looked at me with those puppy eyes as if she was saying, “Look, I’m in my safe zone. You can’t touch me now.”
Did you play “it” or “tag” as a kid? To play the game, someone had to be “it” and the one important thing you needed to know was the location of “glue” which is your safe zone. Glue was the spot you touched or hung onto so you couldn’t get tagged by “it.” You’re out if you get tagged. You win if you don’t get tagged.
That is what I thought of in that moment when I stared at the dog. She was in her safe zone.
I have played the game as a child. The game is different as an adult. My mind is the playground where instead of getting tagged by kids, I get tagged by the evil one. He catches me and I am out; it feels like I am inundated with all sorts of negative thoughts. As a child after I got tagged I was out. I liken being “out” to not feeling secure in life. When I’m insecure others’ comments, betrayals, stubbornness, impatience, bad moods…make me feel out! The Holy Spirit reminds me to go to the B.I.B.L.E, which can be an acronym for “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.” I run to God, I get glued, and then I am in a safe zone where I cannot get tagged.
When I awake at night and my mind is racing I focus on Him because He alone calms my racing thoughts. My approach is to acknowledge God by practicing the presence of Him. I do this by singing a hymn, praising, thanking, and praying to Him. I know the power of praying scripture and I find that this is the perfect time to pray for others too.
“The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress” (Psalm 46:11 NIV). At one point in my life I focused on this verse and asked myself if God is my fortress, what would it be like to be in God’s fortress? I let my mind wander further. What would it look like, who would be allowed in? I feel physically safe and that can be attributed to the Lord. This verse was my safe zone and I was stuck to God.
With all that said, I look at my darling dog with my puppy eyes and bark back “I’m glued to Jesus. He’s my free zone and you can’t bother me.”
Warning: The devil’s version of “it” still exists. Don’t be caught in the game. Stay glued in your safe zone, a place you can stick to Him!
Prayer: Lord Almighty help me to remember You are with me; You are my fortress. I want to stay glued to You and be in Your safe zone. Teach me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
July 20, 2022 by Elaine James
Filed under Daily Devotions
By Elaine James –
“Faith, get on your mat!” I yelled at the dog.
She ran to her mat, sat down and looked at me with those puppy eyes as if she was saying, “Look, I’m in my safe zone. You can’t touch me now.”
Did you play “it” or “tag” as a kid? To play the game, someone had to be “it” and the one important thing you needed to know was the location of “glue” which is your safe zone. Glue was the spot you touched or hung onto so you couldn’t get tagged by “it.” You’re out if you get tagged. You win if you don’t get tagged.
That is what I thought of in that moment when I stared at the dog. She was in her safe zone.
I have played the game as a child. The game is different as an adult. My mind is the playground where instead of getting tagged by kids, I get tagged by the evil one. He catches me and I am out; it feels like I am inundated with all sorts of negative thoughts. As a child after I got tagged I was out. I liken being “out” to not feeling secure in life. When I’m insecure others’ comments, betrayals, stubbornness, impatience, bad moods…make me feel out! The Holy Spirit reminds me to go to the B.I.B.L.E, which can be an acronym for “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.” I run to God, I get glued, and then I am in a safe zone where I cannot get tagged.
When I awake at night and my mind is racing I focus on Him because He alone calms my racing thoughts. My approach is to acknowledge God by practicing the presence of Him. I do this by singing a hymn, praising, thanking, and praying to Him. I know the power of praying scripture and I find that this is the perfect time to pray for others too.
“The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress” (Psalm 46:11 NIV). At one point in my life I focused on this verse and asked myself if God is my fortress, what would it be like to be in God’s fortress? I let my mind wander further. What would it look like, who would be allowed in? I feel physically safe and that can be attributed to the Lord. This verse was my safe zone and I was stuck to God.
With all that said, I look at my darling dog with my puppy eyes and bark back “I’m glued to Jesus. He’s my free zone and you can’t bother me.”
Warning: The devil’s version of “it” still exists. Don’t be caught in the game. Stay glued in your safe zone, a place you can stick to Him!
Prayer: Lord Almighty help me to remember You are with me; You are my fortress. I want to stay glued to You and be in Your safe zone. Teach me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
I Smile, You Smile
July 11, 2022 by Elaine James
Filed under Daily Devotions
By Elaine James –
“Sweet niblets!” I screamed, screeching to a startling halt on my bike. I almost raced by and missed the glorious display of God’s beauty. “Imagine that! It appears to be snowing in the summer.” Have you ever seen a Catalpa tree? If not, Google it. A Catalpa tree is full of sweet smelling blossoms. I love it!
Let me rewind to the beginning of my day. I left for a bike ride with much on my mind. I was processing. Or maybe over-processing. Over-thinking. Thinking too much. Wasting time. When will I learn? I slammed on my brakes and focused on the blossoms. I allowed myself to enjoy nature. That helped me to just appreciate the NOW. I took a deep breath and told myself “God is in control.” This is what matters now. Taking in the moment. Appreciating what God gave me. A glimpse of heaven through His creation. It turned my day around. I went from “Elaine’s world” to “God’s world.” That is a good thing.
Friend, do you understand what I am telling you? Each day is a new day and new opportunity to smile and appreciate even the smallest of things, like a blossom. I nodded and said “Hi” to someone and that felt good inside of me. I smile, you smile. (I am singing a Justin Bieber song at this point.). It brings peace throughout my whole being.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3 NIV).
New birth means strength from God to: love the unlovable, to have a deeper awareness, to see good in others, to stop saying “I can’t” when you can through Christ. You are a new creation in Christ; the old is gone. This knowledge can help you stop being impatient, unkind, uncaring and be more like Christ.
I pray that you enjoy this season realizing you have been given a new birth. From my heart to your heart I smile, saying “Hi, how are you doing? Have a nice day!” You smile!
Prayer: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In your great mercy You have given me new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Thank you. Help me to understand this new birth for daily living. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Stepping Stones
July 5, 2022 by Elaine James
Filed under Daily Devotions
By Elaine James –
“I don’t know why I am telling you this,” whispered the college professor.
I know exactly why he said what he said.
My son and I prepared to visit a prospective college that day. Before we left we prayed, “Lord, please, with absolutely clarity let us know if he should attend this college.”
As a group session ended and the room emptied my son and I sat talking. The professor came to us and asked if we had any questions. I told him about my son’s situation. That is when the professor came out with the unusual response. He was referring us back to a local community college to pick up some core classes. He even said, “I probably shouldn’t be telling you to go to another school.”
I jumped for joy because I had just witnessed the clear message the Lord sent my son, and he could not deny it. You know how teenagers don’t want to hear things from their mothers. I look back at that moment and smile. It is a story that is embossed on my “shield of faith.” I have a picture in my mind of my shield; it has marks that represent the captured moments of God’s faithfulness that He has used to build my own faith. Like the Israelites having their stones piled to remember what provision and clear direction they got from the Lord.
“So Joshua called together the twelve men he had appointed from the Israelites, one from each tribe, and said to them, “Go over before the ark of the LORD your God into the middle of the Jordan. Each of you is to take up a stone on his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the Israelites, to serve as a sign among you.” (Joshua 4:4-6 NIV).
God used stones to mark significant statements to Israel, like the Ten Commandments. He ordered special stones to make the temple. He commanded that stones be used to serve as a sign of His provision at important locations. Jesus was referred to as the cornerstone (the living stone), and we who are believers also are referred to as living stones chosen by God. They reveal God’s redemption and restoration for us all.
One time my family prayed for guidance about whether to purchase a home. The Holy Spirit led us to go through with the purchase. As our thanksgiving offering to God, we set up a pile of bricks in the yard, read the Scripture passage from Joshua 4 and dedicated our new home to Him.
PRAYER: Father in heaven, thank You for the times that You have made things clear to me. Help me to learn and remember what they mean. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Declaration of Dependence
July 4, 2022 by Elaine James
Filed under Daily Devotions
By Elaine James –
I was dusting my shelves where the knick-knacks are displayed and the framed document entitled “Our Declaration of Dependence” caught my eye. I got choked up with tears thinking, Where has the time gone? Oh! Look at the precious signatures of my then eight and ten year-old sons.
Sixteen years ago when my husband lost his job, I was nursing a baby, homeschooling for the first time, my mom had left me, my relationship with my dad had become estranged and my best friend moved to Tennessee. Life was spinning out of control. A psychologist told me “Just losing your mom in the destructive way she left could put someone over the top.” How did I survive these six life changing events at once?
Prior to the year these things happened my family had come to know Jesus, but not to the full extent that we know Him now. We could not stay the way we were and go with God. The unanimous decision to declare our dependence on God for everything required us to look to scripture and be led by the Holy Spirit. That would necessitate us asking God to increase our faith and help us to live out WWJD. WWJD became our personal motto that stood as a reminder of our belief in a moral necessity to act in a manner that would demonstrate the love of Jesus through the actions of our lives. We gave God permission to do anything He pleases with our ordinary selves fully dedicated to Him. We would commit regularly to worship, thanksgiving and giving back to the Lord what He so graciously blessed us with. Looking back I would not change a thing. I felt so close to God. This experience taught me the same thing Paul learned from his trials. He stated “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want” (Philippians 4:12 NIV).
I made it through panic attacks and other health issues that arose from stress. Every step of my healing became a lesson to learn. I began to journal the healing process. Today I am known as “The Recycle Girl” meaning that the trials that I have experienced in my life and how God has taught me and helped me get through them has never been wasted. It has all been reused to help comfort others with the comfort I have received.
I want to ask you, have you made your “Declaration of Dependence”? Do you go through life barely getting by and learning nothing from your hard times or do you have a take–away that is recyclable for others?
PRAYER: Father in heaven I need an attitude adjustment. Help me to see trials from Your perspective. I realize I cannot stay the way I am and go with You. Thank You for showing me this. Forgive me for the times I do not ask you for help. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.