You too!
March 8, 2019 by Darren Marlar
Filed under Humor, Stories
By Darren Marlar –
“Have a nice day!” (Yeah, you too!)
That’s the verbal exchange we’re all used to. Someone wishes us well, and we automatically respond in kind. This conversation for most of us occurs daily. Read more
Banging Heads Against the Tree of Evolution
March 3, 2019 by Darren Marlar
Filed under Humor, Stories
By Darren Marlar –
Five years of college – four credits. School was not my best subject. They held classes before eight in the morning. How can anyone expect to learn anything that early?
When I did make it to class, I remember hearing my Biology professor, Mr. Knowsitall, claim that my great-great-great-great-grandfather was an ape. Read more
Shopping at Sky Mall
February 5, 2019 by Darren Marlar
Filed under Humor, Stories
By Darren Marlar –
By the time you read this I quite possibly could be a TV star thanks to my February 19th appearance on Cornerstone Television Network’s “Focus 4” program. Or I’ll still be a nobody, as I am now as I write this month’s column, sitting in a plane bound for home for Chicago after my TV appearance in Pittsburgh.
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And I Exited The Stage To the Song, “Blue Moon”
February 1, 2019 by Darren Marlar
Filed under Humor, Stories
By Darren Marlar –
Avatar, The Blue Man Group, The Veggie Tales’ Ms. Blueberry, the shape-changing lady from the X-Men comics, that alien chick on “Star Trek” that Captain Kirk made the moves on… wait a minute, I think maybe she was green. Whatever.