Colorful Characters
January 11, 2019 by Cynthia Ruchti
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship
By Cynthia Ruchti
Consider any troupe of sit-com characters. What makes the blend work? Their differences linked by a common bond.
For example: the quirky young people with vastly different internal conflicts, all struggling to become full-fledged adults in the big city environment.
The unique family dynamics that often erupt in a firestorm that keeps us laughing because, though exaggerated, the mother-in-law seems like our own…the brother’s phobias sound familiar…the grandpa’s caustic comments show up at our own Thanksgiving dinners.
Locker Room Grace
January 5, 2019 by Cynthia Ruchti
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship
By Cynthia Ruchti
Our adult small group left our open Bibles and notebooks and coffee cups to spend some time voicing our support of and prayers for the young people who met at the same time in another part of the church. We walked into the multi-purpose room to stand in an embracing semi-circle at the back while they worshiped in all-out abandon.
“We’re here and we care,” we wanted to say.
We had to hurdle something to get into that room packed to the wall studs with teenagers. It smelled like a locker room in there. Teens with lots of energy but too little deodorant and an excess of gym shoes and two-day-old socks.