The Real Thing
January 12, 2019 by Cheri Cowell
Filed under Daily Devotions, Personal Growth
By Cheri Cowell
My mother’s favorite dessert is banana pudding. Now if the only banana pudding you’ve had is the kind made with vanilla pudding, you have not had real banana pudding. For my mother’s birthday I made the real kind of banana pudding: scalded milk, egg yolks, sugar, and vanilla over a double broiler, layered with the bananas and wafers, topped with a meringue. It tastes nothing like the vanilla pudding version. Looks like it, but doesn’t taste like it. Real and sincere love is like that. The counterfeit version looks like it from a distance, but doesn’t measure up.
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The Cupboard is Bare
January 10, 2019 by Cheri Cowell
Filed under Daily Devotions, Personal Growth
Isn’t it amazing how we can have a cupboard full of food, yet can hear the cry from our families, “There’s nothing here to eat?” We know there is plenty of food in the house. No one is going to starve. But then they know that, too. They’re not really saying they can’t find anything to eat. What they’re looking for is something that will satisfy. Our souls are like that. We long for something that will satisfy our inner hunger. We look into the cupboard that is filled with all the world has to offer: movies, relationships, big houses, fast cars, and nice vacations, and yet see nothing to eat – nothing to satisfy. But God knows how to satisfy our hunger pangs.
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Does God Have A Workout Plan?
January 9, 2019 by Cheri Cowell
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics
By Cheri Cowell
Most of us have some form of health goals for the New Year. It seems that every other commercial on television is about losing weight or getting healthy. I’m told that gym memberships increase by over 60% the first six weeks of the year, but decline to their normal numbers after that. Just this week I heard a fitness expert say we need to spend at least three hours each week on some form of physical exercise, and double that if we want to lose weight. He said that for most people, simply walking more is a good place to start in order to create an exercise habit that will stay with us throughout our lives.
How many of us have similar goals for our spiritual exercise? The goal of living longer, being healthier, and possibly looking better this time next year propels us towards making lifestyle changes. But what image or goal is going to drive us to make the commitments needed for our spiritual exercise?